- Playstation 2
Game Finish Bonuses
Parody mode replaces the original text with joke dialogue.
Read the email from Bandai after completing the game for the Mummy Ship location. Go there to fight another Boss. Data drain the Boss to get a rare weapon for Kite.
Check the BBS to find the final Goblin location. Go there to fight and defeat the Goblin. Wear all the other Goblin items and you will be able to summon a Yellow Goblin in battle.
Getting characters
This is how to get some of the characters you don't automatically get.
Piros- You can get piros in the middle of the game he's a pretty decent fighter just keep playing the game and at one part when you either log into the world or switch to the aqua server the one you start in he will be waiting at the chaos gate the big blue portal thing he will ask you to accompany him on a quests to kill a monster in the dungeon say you will go with him then go to that area and go all the way to the bottom floor of the dungeon and help him kill the boss the boss is pretty easy just make sure u bring some teammates after killing the boos he will join you and give you a book that give you physical attack up or sumthing like that
Gardenia- You will have to keep checking the board until you find a section that talks about miss gardinia once you see that just continue playing the game and checking back after every mission you complete then there will be another post on the board that will give you a area you can go to go there get the letter from a girl that in the dungeon there then go to the bottom of the dungeon and deliver it to Gardenia.
Natsume- You will find a message posted on the board talking about where to get a weapon then you will get the area from the message. Go to that area and go into the dungeon and natsume will be there she will tell you that shes scared or sumtin like that. After your done talking to her go to the bottom of the dungeon and open the special chest i think its called a GOT statue chestyou will get the weapon Natsume wanted and kite will start talking you will return to Natsume at the top of the dungeon automatically she will ask if she can have the weapon GIVE IT TO HER and she will make this funny joke lol then she will join your party.
Sanjuro- Getting Sanjuro Hes a great fighter him and blackrose are a great team Getting him is just like getting Natsume. You will find a message posted on the board talking about where to get a weapon then you will get the area from the message. Go to that area and go into the dungeon and you will see Sanjuro there complaining how crappy the items are in the chest then go all the way down to the Got statue special chest and the weapon Sanjuro wanted is in there you will automatically teleport back to Sanjuro he will ask if he can have the weapon and you will GIVE HIM THE WEAPON and he will join you I recommend you use him.
Beat the final boss with ease
Ok the final boss is kina og hard but if you have the right equipment and if you are at the right level you can stomp him in a matter of seconds well you know what I mean. Ok, I was a level 37 when I beat the game so if you are below 25 you might want to get cracken. To level up easily just go to a bunch of dungeons and fight the golibins monsters that come from the portals. Once you are confident with your level you need to sell all of your unneeded equipment. Once you have enough money go to the magic shop and buy and I mean stock up on status improvers like Hunters blood and all of that. MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE PLENTY OF WELL WATERS When he unleashes judgment and all you characters have well water the attack will only take half damage You should act as the healer and stay away from the beast at all times. Make sure that all os your characters keep all of there status up. Make sure you have plenty of antidotes because he does this data drain to Blackrose and it gives her a bunch of bad stat changes. After you data drain he becomes faster. Make sure that you use scrolls on him, it is important that you use scrolls that hit him from a distance. Through out the hole battle launch your parties skills. P.S. Use Blackrose and Gardina
Hidden items
Usually I reserve my secrets to myself, but this game is too good.... if you haven't pick up .Hack//Infection... it is the only way to get some of the rare items. By selection Convert when startin .hack//Mutation you can import your save file from .hack//Infection... which makes the game much better
Golden/silver grunties: The golden variety provides 30 hp, silver 15 sp
Go to the church at Delta Forbidden Holy Ground from .hack//infection to see scences from the TV series .hack//Sign and to gain golden/siler grunties and rare key items based on the characters from Sign.
Ultimate Axe for Piros and >hack//Liminality:By watching the anime DVDs .hack//Liminality vol. 1 included with .hack infection and .hack//liminality vol.2 included with .hack//Mutation with the english subtitles on you can read the japanese keywords from the movies. Using these gives you rare items in all .hack games. Find them for yourselves by watching the movies
if you got the Ice Bar from one of these 'hidden' dungeons in .hack//infection you can trade with the rare trader Panta for an amazing lvl. 38 rare axe for Piros.
In Mutation it is possible to find Chinese Food, a rare item similar to the Ice Bar...
Goblin Armour A:
Similar to Infection, if you defeat all the racing goblins the first four and equip all four pieces of Goblin armor, the command 'more goblins lvl.2 appears under magic. It is the next verion of summon goblin, and summons surprise a giant yellow goblin to fight for you..... like Tsukasa's Guardian if you didn't understand that you need to watch .hack//Signs on Cartoon network Saturdays at 11 pm,or get them on DVDs.. speaking of which... there are more 'hidden' dungeons to be found by looking of keywords in the show.
Rare Traders
As in Infection certain 'rare traders' appear with items such as books or 'Feng Shui' demanding certain items available only in certain dungeons..... trade your wothless items to these fools for great rare items and equipment. hint: get the items first... most usually are books or items like books which raise some aspect of your stats by a point..and remember one status point is a big deal in .hack..this ain't FFX no matter how much you wish it was.. but its still addicting
Other traders want gold and siler axes for better items.. give them your goodies from the springs of Myst
Ryu books: Use the data drain a certain amount onf time to get each book under the "Book of 1000" section of Key Items. Check these books for various stats from your game and to unlock various movies, arkwork, and songs for the Desktop after completing certain goals...just like in Infection
Raise Grunties to access the newest attraction in .hack: GRUNTY RACING beat the high score to earn super itemsmuch like the Hero of Zeit Contest in Infection, but NOW WITH GRUNTIES ...and in towns.
Unlimited Health Drinks and more
This is a cheat code for dummies, but it works. If you need more burning oils or whatever, just keep smashing jars or objects in a room, collect the items and then keep re-entering the room.
Gold & sliver axe
To get the gold & sliver axe take a fully transform weapon or a half transform one like surmore. Go to a place that is under level 10 and find the osis & toss the weapon in.When the blue thin pop out chose nether and he will say he can't up grade it any more & to ask grandpa in the higher level. He will give your weapon back & gold & sliver axe.P.S.It doesn't work with armor.
The Easy to Kill Skeith
Okay, Now you're getting insane of trying to kill skeith? Right? okay now here's the easy way I recommend a team or Kite, Blackrose and Sanjuro<--If you don't have it yet. GET HIMAlternate Options for Sanjuro is PirosOkay you'll need at least 70 Health Potions and 70 Resurrects and 70 Mage's Soul.I had 99 of eachI HIGHLY RECOMMEND Good Armor with a level of at least 24everyone must have a high attack power. Blackrose needs a Weapon of a level with 9 or more. and sanjuro should have his rare sword thing you gave him ;
After you start the battle, Skeith will come after you with his big ol' red cross. When he swings it at you, you'll take at least 450 damage or more. Right when he swings it up, Go to your item and quickly use a potion,if you're low on health, after he swings it. Heal QUICKLY Now, Run away..STAY AWAY from him and let Blackrose and Sanjuro fo the killing. stay back from him and hit him with spells or something. If he uses judgment get ready for a huge chuck of HP gone for everyone unless they're far away from him. RIGHT AFTER he does this, heal again.Uses Speed Charms to run away :D Let Blackrose and your other person smack him. Soon...or later...he'll protect break and there your chance. After you Data Drain him, he'll be a bit harder but no biggie. Just Keep Repeating this and you'll take him out within 10 mins or sooner
Iron grunty
When you get to the 2nd server, there will be A farm that raises a gruntys...to get a Iron Grunty, Make sure all the gruntys stauts are above a 0.....Once it grows to a kid and you have the status all above 0...It should ask for Golden Eggs....Feed it all Golden eggs if that is what it asks for until it gets Body Size to 30 or 31 then it will grow into a iron grunty
Defeating Parasite Dragon With Ease
After you have completed the game you can now challenge the parasite dragon. this boss is at level 30 and his HP is 9999 don't worry because even though this boss the power to knock you out in two hits this boss is actually the easiest boss in the freaking game.when you encounter this boss with your best characters excluding wave masters because the boss is immune to magic tell your team to use skills and attack. move kite far away and when a character dies just revive them with resurrect. the dragon will be to annoyed buy your partners to go after you see so easy when you data drain the dragon you will get kites best weapon I wont tell you what it is though:
Fast sp recovery
If you are at a low level say level 5 or 3 your sp will only go up by 2 while standing and 1 while running or in battle mode, but if you level 17 or higher your recovery will be better like 4 while standing and 2 while running.
Hyakkidouran LV. 14 Kite's best weapon data drain Parasite Dragon at delta Hideous,Someone's,Giant after beating the game
Shikisokuzeiku LV. 18 Blackrose's best weaponfrom data draining Goil Menhir it may take a long time to get it, but it is worth it.It was 3 hour before I got mine
Jesterwand LV. 14 Mistral and Elk's best weapon data drain a Wood Stock
Scarlet Autumn LV.14 Mia's best weapon data drain Tetra Armor
Axe Bomber LV. 15 Piros's best weapon data drain Red Scissors
Jinsaran LV. 14 Sanjuro's best weapon data drain Metal Goblin
For the battle aginst Skeith I used Gardinia and Blackrose about level 34-35 it is still hard use yourself for the heeler and use their skills and you can use skrolls use green gales,raging earth,stone storm the video is killer they were equiped with Kikujyumonji and Fairy spear means rare item