- Playstation
The Hero's GauntletHydra Medusa Shield and Herc's HeadCentaur's ForestCentaur Hercules Silhouette Minotaur ArcherThe Big OliveCentaur Coin Serpent Hercules SilhouetteHydra CanyonCoin Gladiator Helmet Coin SoldierMedusa's LairArcher Pegasus Archer CentaurCyclops AttackGladiator Helmet Pegasus Hercules Silhouette ArcherTitan FlightSoldier Coin Coin Thunder BoltPassageway of Eternal TormentMedusa Soldier Centaur PegasusVortex of SoulsSoldier Lightning Bolt Soldier CentaurEndPegasus Soldier Centaur Soldier
March 31, 2002 - 2:58pm