Nightmare Creatures 2 - Walk Through Walls

Nightmare Creatures 2 - Walk Through Walls

Walk Through Walls

At the Main Menu hold L1 R2 Circle Square and press Select. If done correctly you will see a message.

Cheat Menu

Pause gameplay hold L1 R2 Circle Square and press Select. A Cheat Menu will appear.

Display Enemy's Health

At the Cheat Menu press L2 R2 Square Select.

One Hit Kills

At the Cheat Menu press L1 L2 R1 Square Select.

Level Select

At the Cheat Menu hold L1 R2 Circle Square then press Left or Right.

Unlimited Health for Enemies

At the Cheat Menu press Square Circle Select.

Unlimited Continues

At the Cheat Menu press L1 R2 R1 Select.

Unlimited Power Up

At the Cheat Menu press L1 R1 Select.

Unlimited Lives in Single Player

Pause gameplay hold L1 R2 Square Circle and press Select.