- PC
Cheat Codes case insensitive:
-NoBackfaceCull: [Unknown Effect] -Language: Change the game Menus and Text to a different Language. -NoGui Disable the Graphical User Interface -PlayBack: [Unknown Effect] -ExperienceScreen [Unknown Effect] -skipComic Skips the Comic-style Introductions before a Mission -MovePlyXYZ: [Unknown Effect] -FreeCamXYZ: [Unknown Effect] -AllWeapons [Unknown Effect] -infiniteammo Unlimited Ammo -survivalmovement [Unknown Effect] -noDamage Your player takes no Damage God Mode -WinEndGame [Unknown Effect] -longJohns [Unknown Effect] -noCold [Unknown Effect] -NoSound [Unknown Effect] -NoMusic Disable In-game Music -Sensitivity: [Unknown Effect] -ForceTerrainMesh [Unknown Effect] -noshadows [Unknown Effect] -fpuex Enable Floating Point Unit extentions for your CPU? -Health: Set current Health aka Hit Points NOTE: the following 9 Skill Cheats require a Number to take effect. -FitnessSkill: Set Fitness Skill Level -FirstAidSkill: Set FirstAid Skill Level -StrengthSkill: Set Strength Skill Level -EnduranceSkill: Set Endurance Skill Level -SneakSkill: Set Sneak Skill Level -StealthKillSkill: Set StealthKill Skill Level -MachineGunSkill: Set MachineGun Skill Level -RifleSkill: Set Rifle Skill Level -PistolSkill: Set Pistol Skill Level -WeatherPhase: [Unknown Effect] -OCull [Unknown Effect] -NoShadowVolumes [Unknown Effect] -WhiteLight [Unknown Effect] -SWVP SoftWare-based Vertex Processing slower, but more -InvunerableAI Enemies will be Invulnerable/Invincible -InvertCrosshair Invert the Y-Axis for Aiming/Looking -NoSoldiers Enemies Soldiers will cease to Exist. There will be -NoPerception Enemies have no Perception of you. You are ignored -NoAI Remove all AI Characters from the Game World. -NoAIHits [Unknown Effect] -NoCD No Effect seems like this should disable the CD Check, -SkipGUI Tries to stop the Graphical User Interface from loading -DisableArchive [Unknown Effect] -Grid: [Unknown Effect] -Res: Screen Resolution -Control: [Unknown Effect] -Chapter: [Unknown Effect] Check the files in "UIEnglish" -Part: [Unknown Effect] -Detail:High Set High Detailed Graphics -Detail:Medium Set Medium Detailed Graphics -Detail:Low Set Low Detailed Graphics -16bit 16bit Graphics Mode instead of the Default 32bit Mode -OldControls [Unknown Effect] -MouseLook: Toggle Mouse Look -Mouse: [Unknown Effect] -Antialias Enable Anti-Alias graphics processing? -SoundSW Software Sound Mode instead of Hardware Accelerated -LowRes Low Resolution Graphics -Windowed Windowed Graphics Mode -LoadAllLevels Upon Launching the game, it will Load each Level in the -Fullscreen Full Screen Graphics Mode INSTALLATION: 1. Start the game using a code/codes as the command line parameters arguments. Examples to try: b Make a Winblows shortcut to BEL.exe which is in your game dir. 2. Every Code that ends with a colon REQUIRES some sort of settings. -StrengthSkill:4 -Detail:High 3. Be aware that the shortcuts already created by the Game Installer are That Launcher in-turn runs BEL.exe after you choose your Options and select However, as stated above: to make use of these Cheat/Debug codes, you must From TNT |