- Playstation 3
Challenge mode: Successfully complete the game to unlock Challenge mode. This mode allows weapons to be upgraded to level 10, but with more difficult enemies. Additionally, you can buy the Golden Groovitron in Challenge mode for 2 million Raritanium. wyvaew crvay RYNO IV Obtain all Holo-plans. Skill Points General Chorus Line: Make eleven enemies dance together. Planet Cobalia Smashing Good Time: Destroy all crates and consumer robots on port and gel factory. Planet Kortog We Don't Need No Stinkin' Bridges: Cross the Tripad sequence using gel cube bounces. Note: You do not need to use the gel cubes; you just have to cross the area without activating the bridge. Voron Asteroid Belt Minesweeper: Clear out ten to fifteen mines. Planet Mukow One Heckuva Peephole: Use the Geo-Laser to blast through the wall. Follow the path you took to get to the arena the first time. Eventually Clank will begin to sense the laser area. Nundac Asteroid Ring Alphabet City: Teleport to each of the Siz asteroids in alphabetical order. Planet Ardolis Preemptive Strike: Destroy five of the Thwogs while they are sleeping. Rakar Star Cluster I've Got Places to Be: Destroy Iron Crotch Caruso in under 2:30. Rykan V Untouchable: Do not take damage in the Gyro-Cycle. Planet Sargasso It Sounded Like a Freight Train: Get eleven Anthropods in one tornado. Planet Viceron Seared Ahi: Use the Pyro Blaster on three Drophyds after freeing them from their robotic suits. Verdigris Black Hole Can't Touch This: Do not take damage before fighting Greasepalms McGee. Planet Jasindu Fire With Fire: Kill two Kerchu Pyroguards with the Pyro Blaster. Ublik Passage Six Gun Salute: Get six pirates in a row to salute Ratchet while wearing the Holo-Pirate disguise |