Return to Castle Wolfenstein - a hrefhttpwwwmegagamescomwalkthroughsRETURNTOCASTLEWOLFENSTEINTXTStrategy Guidea

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - a hrefhttpwwwmegagamescomwalkthroughsRETURNTOCASTLEWOLFENSTEINTXTStrategy Guidea

Strategy Guide

Various Cheats

Start the game with the commandline parameter 'set svcheats 1'. Then during gameplay press to bring down the console. Now type any of the following "Codes":

Code Effect
/god God Mode
/notarget Enemies Don't Attack
/noclip No Clipping Mode
/give all All Weapons and Ammo
/maph3 Get the Current Map Name
/spdevmap maph3 Jump to maph3
/give armor Give Armor
/give health Give Health
/give stamina Give Stamina
/nofatigue Unlimited Stamina
/kill Suicide

Submitted in part by FISKERQ

Cheats Server

/gforcebalance - Even teams forced/ggravity [number] - Set gravity to [number]. Lower number is less/gspeed [number] - Set Speed to [number]. Lowerer is slower/timelimit [number] - Set timelimit to number/svmaxclients [number] - Set max players to [number]/map restart - Map reset/kick [playername] - Kicks player/gfriendlyFire [0 or 1] - Friendly fire toggle

Give List

Use these with the /give cheat listed above.

mauser rifle
fg42 paratroop rifle
colt 45
large health
medium health

Name Change

Press to get the console and use /name [name] to set player name and colors

1: Red
2: Green
3: Yellow
4: Blue
5: Light Blue
6: Pink
7: White
8: Black
9: Red

For example, to change your name to "AmericaTheBeautiful" in red, white, and blue, enter:
/name 1America7The4Beautiful.