Star Wars: Racer Revenge - Master Cheat Must do this 1st

Star Wars: Racer Revenge - Master Cheat Must do this 1st

Master Cheat Must do this 1st

Set a record in Best Lap, Most KO's or Best 3 Lap and put in NO TIME for a name on the name entry screen. Now you can enter a code below

Get Hard Mode

Go to the main menu after doing master cheat HOLD L1 L2 R1 R2 and press Triangle

Get All Tracks

Go to the main menu after doing master cheat HOLD L1 L2 R1 R2 and press Right, Left, Right, Left, Circle, Square, Circle, Square

Get All Art Galleries

Go to the main menu after doing master cheat HOLD L1 L2 R1 R2 and press Right, Square, Left, Circle, Down, X, Up, Triangle

Get Hard Mode

After doing master cheat HOLD L1 L2 R1 R2 and press Triangle

Get Mawhonic

Just beat the last of the first four circuits in tournament mode.


During a race when you have damage Hold L2 R2 to repair with no loss of speed

Hidden Secret Characters

Anakin Skywalker Episode 1: Get the number one time for all tracks in single race.

Watto: Get the number one three lap time in single race.

Darth Maul: Get the best K.O. score for all tracks in single race.

Darth Vader: Unlock Anakin Skywalker Episode 1, Darth Maul, and Watto, and complete tournament mode with one of them.
Note: Congratulations, you unlocked Darth Vader, he is the fastest racer

Unlock Sebulba

To unlock Sebulba play as Anakin in tournament mode win every track in first place

Unlock Sebulba episode 1

To unlock Sebulba episode1 pod play as Selbulba in tournament mode and finish every race in first place

Unlock Knire Dark

Place higher than the track favorite on the Ballest Complex course to unlock Knire Dark.

Unlock Mars Guo

Place Higher than the track favorite on the Grand Reefs course to unlock Mars Guo.

Unlock Clegg Fasthold

Place first place on Watchtower Run to unlock Clegg Fasthold.

Unlock Wan Sandage

K.O. the track favorite of Serres Sarrano course.

Unlock Kraid Nemmeso

K.O. the track favorite of Ruins of Carnuss Gorgull.

Unlock Scorch Zanales

K.O. the track favorite of the Citadel course to unlock Scorch Zanales.

Unlock Tzidik Wrantojo

K.O. the trackfavorite on the Nightlands course to unlock Tzidik Wrantojo.

Unlock Gasgano

Place higher Than the track favorite on the adlands course to unlock Gasgano.

Hard Turn

To perform a really sharp turn press boost then quickly press brake and turn.

Get Gasgano

Just simply win 1st place in Badlands,Tatooine.the second course in the second tournament

GameShark Codes
Codes Courtesy of