- GameBoy Advance
Get kuma
Do arcade with paul 3 times kuma is a bear
Submitted by unknown
All characters
At the title screen hold A B and press L R R L L up up R and that will give u every hidden character
Unlock Heihachi
To unlock heihachi beat arcade mode with every character and you'll get him
New Outfits
While selecting your character press A to see different outfits
Unlock Tag Mode
Beat the game with Heihachi
Switch Team Order
At the VS screen In team battle mode Press the L and R buttons to alternate your team order.
Unlock team battle and vs.team battle
Beat Arcade mode with all default characters without continuing and you will see team battle and vs. team battle on the main menu.
When using the ten attack combos from the fimiliar playstation versions, try just doing the same thing with the a and b buttons, plus the d-pad. I just bought it and can use kings.
Submitted by goahn
Strongest guy
How to get Umble the strongest guy in tekken advance press L L R B E on the title
Submitted by Eddy
GameShark Codes
Codes Courtesy of