- Playstation
Level Skip
In any game hold L1 R1 Up/Left Triangle Circle Start Select. If done correctly you will hear a loud grinding noise. Left go of the buttons immediately and hold L2 R1 X Triangle Down. You should hear a word spoken if done correctly again. Now to advance a level just press L1 L2 R1 R2. You will advance to the next level as soon as there are no enemies on the web.
Play Tempest 2000 or Tempest Plus
Simply get the number 1 high score and enter the h3 "YIFF" or "H V S"
Trippy Mode
In any game hold L1 R1 Up/Left Triangle Circle Start Select. If done correctly you will hear a loud grinding noise. Left go of the buttons immediately and hold L2 R1 X Triangle Up.
March 31, 2002 - 2:58pm