Triple Play 2000 - Home Run Sounds

Triple Play 2000 - Home Run Sounds

Home Run Sounds

After hitting a home run and while running around the bases press CUp or CRight to hear horns or CDown to hear whistles.

Three Ball Count

During gameplay hold L R Z and press Up Down.

Three Outs

During gameplay hold L R Z and press Down Up.

Add One Run to Home Team

During gameplay hold L R Z and press CLeft CLeft.

Add One Run to Away Team

During gameplay hold L R Z and press CRight CRight.

Automatic Home Run

While at bat hold L R Z and keep pressing Left Right until you hear a thump. You must reenter the code if a strike is called also if you hit a foul ball.

Automatic Strikeout

Hold L R Z and press Right Up Right Up until you hear a cluck sound.
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