Wii Sports - Bowling Extra pins

Wii Sports - Bowling Extra pins
Bowling: Extra pins
When aiming for the pins in the first aiming thing, move all the way to the far right or left. Then depending on which direction you aimed the first one, aim the second one as far as you can go in the same direction. Your target will be in another lane.

Bowling: Alternate ball color
When starting a game of Bowling, hold the D-pad in one of the following directions to change the color of your bowling ball. Press Up for blue default color, Left for pink/red, Down for green, or Right for gold.

Bowling: Training Power Throws
When on the "final lane" of Power Throws, move all the way to the right or left, depending on which hand you use. Turn toward the wall two to four notches then release the ball on top of the wall. If done correctly, the bowling ball will travel down the top of the wall past the pins, and all 92 pins will fall down at once.

Tennis: Alternate court color
When starting a game of Tennis or immediately after choosing "Start Over" on the Position Select screen, hold 2, The tennis court will become blue.

Tennis: Super serve
When you are serving, just when the ball is at the highest point quickly flick your wrist. You will see white smoke from the ball and it will be difficult to hit. This may require some practice.

Tennis: Enter the crowd
When your opponent hits a ball on either side that will be an out, flick your wrist. Your Mii will jump for it and end up where the fans are.

91 Pin Strike in Power Bowling Training
To get an automatic 91 pin strike in the last round of Power Bowling, Throw the ball on the right or left rail depending on if you are right or left handed so that it stays on it the whole time. If it reaches the end without falling off, you will hear a "click" and an explosion. Then all the pins will fall down from the shockwave. NOTE: This only works on the last round.