- Playstation 4
Unlock Wrestlers:
When you complete the following tasks the correponding wrestler will become unlocked.
Andre the Giant:
Win 92 Matches
Arn Anderson:
Win 76 Matches
Bam Bam Bigelow:
Win 56 Matches
Big BossMan:
Win 38 Matches
Big Show'00:
Complete a Triple Threat match 40 time
Billy Gunn:
Complete a Tag Team match 35 times
Booker T:
Win 70 Matches
Bret Hart:
Win 90 Matches
Brian Pillman:
Win 44 Matches
WCW Flyin'Brian Attire:
Use the Springboard Dive ability 20 times.
November 16, 2016 - 2:19am