Paying homage to the classic arcade game. This story revolves around an Alien Invasion trying to take over earth. Homer, Bart and Krusty work there way through the Aliens as they unleash all sorts of enemies and even teleport characters from other times and dimensions to assist them.
Features of the game.
Loads of exciting levels and environments, characters and bosses (including characters not just from Simpsons lore but also Futurama and Family Guy cameos)
mini game set in a makeshift kwik e mart where you can get bonus lives.
vehicle levels
Big boss battles
NPCs who can assist you
Includes Bonus games !
Reclaim Burns Manor: Where you are Vampire Mr Burns and you must stop criminals from looting your mansion
Tournament mode: Where you must face enemies in one on one combat
Family Guy: where you are Peter and see the events that unfold before he and his family are teleported to Springfield
Gallery mode: special images for your viewing pleasure
File information
File name: Simpsons_Treehouseofhorror.rar
File size: 81.41 MB
Mime type: application/x-rar; charset=binary