This is a horror game and may not be suitable for all audiences. Content warnings below.
"Ryo, we've discussed this before, haven't we? You don't have a mom. I made you from straw, magic, and a lock of my hair."
Crowscare is a short horror game, RPG game, and a love letter to the autumn season.
The game follows a young boy named Ryo, excited for the upcoming Harvest Festival in his hometown. Wouldn't you know? This is going to be his first one! He was never able to go to one before, as it always started past his curfew...but soon he'll see why he was never allowed out at night.
The game takes about 1-1 ½ hours to complete. There are two bad endings, and one good/true ending.
Content warnings:
Blood & Gore
Implied Child Abuse
Extreme Violence Towards Child Characters
Implied Potential Child Death
MAC USERS: This game may not work on all Macs.
If it does work on your Mac--When opening the game, do NOT click on the "Game" application. Instead, follow these steps:
Go into the folder "Crowscare".
Go into the folder "Game.app"
Go into the folder "Contents"
Go into the folder "MacOS"
Open the file labeled "nwjs"
Opening the game this way will allow you to safely use the menu and cancel commands. Opening the game from the application labeled "Game" will make it so that you cannot exit out of a menu that's been opened.