Penniless after returning home from the war, Isako makes a deal with the demon Maku. In exchange for an endless amount of money, Isako must survive ostracization and attempts on her life for seven years without once asking for help. Should she fail, she yields her soul to Maku.
Can Isako come out alive?
- About 15.000 words
- Meaningful choices, also indicated chosen choice(s)
- 2 romantic routes to pursue!
- 2 good endings; 3 bad endings
- 4 CGs
- 5 original tracks!
- Download once and for free! No ads, no in game payment.
Shino: Co-director & Writer
Pumpkin-Spike: Co-director, Sprite Art, & Character Design
Awiola: Background Art
GreysonJS: Music
MadScientist/TNR: GUI, Programming & CGs
Mamep: Editor
Made with Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine
This project was an incredible group effort created completely within the month of September for the Spooktober Visual Novel gamejam!
I hope you enjoy our entry!
Content Warnings:
This game contains content that may upset some readers including: violence, death, immolation, loud sounds