This save puts Courier 6 (Level 10) in Victor's Shack in Goodsprings. ALL Vanilla Quests (YES MAN Ending), Unmarked Quests, DLC, & Challenges COMPLETE (Except 2 Challenges, See Below). Courier 6 is ready to play any mods you have installed.
Note this Mod requires the below DLCs to work properly:
- Dead Money
- Gun Runners' Arsenal
- Honest Hearts
- Lonesome Road
- Old World Blues
All Vanilla Quests, UnMarked Quests, AND Challenges COMPLETE (Except Mysterious Stranger & Miss Fortune Because I Hate V.A.T.S.)
YES MAN Quest Line is completed
Male & Female Save
All DLC Quests, UnMarked Quests, AND Challenges COMPLETE
No Mods Active Except 5 DLC
Courier 6 is at Level 10 and inside Victor's Shack in Goodsprings.
All Skills are at 100
Containers in the shack have all Vanilla weapons, ammo, & consumables.
There's also a collection of Books, Magazines, Unique clothing, and lots more!
File information
File name: FalloutNewVegas_SneakyPetes_UltimateSaveGame-v1.0.7z
File size: 2.89 MB
Mime type: application/x-7z-compressed; charset=binary