Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Hook - INI and dev console unlocker Mod v2.2

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Hook - INI and dev console unlocker Mod v2.2 Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Hook - INI and dev console unlocker Mod v2.2

INI & dev-console unlocker, easy engine cvar modifications.


Extract the ZIP into the root of your game folder, you should then have an xinput1_3.dll file inside End\Binaries\Win64\ folder.

FFVIIHook will allow game to read from Engine.ini, an example one is included, to use it just copy to your Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\ folder and edit as desired.

Tested with Steam/EGS initial release, will likely break on other versions.

Linux/Deck users may need to add "WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xinput1_3=n,b" %command%" to your launch options for the hook to load in.

If using xinput1_3.dll causes gamepad issues, try renaming it to dxgi.dll / winmm.dll / d3d9.dll / d3d11.dll instead.


Dev-console is now automatically unlocked, just press the Tilde (~) or Grave (`) key while in-game to open it (if console doesn't appear for you see Troubleshooting section)

Game will now read from the standard UE4 INI files such as Engine.ini / Input.ini / etc, that are inside the "Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\" folder - see the included Engine.ini for how to set up automatic CVar changes.

Loose files can replace files kept inside PAKs, such as the base INIs and movie files, by using the same filepath as inside the PAK (can help with testing instead of needing to re-pak files each run...)

CVars inside the [ConsoleVariables] INI section will take priority over all other values for that cvar (the game resets the value of a lot of these when game loads up, ConsoleVariables can prevent game overwriting them)

Removed UTOC/UCAS signature checks, not completely sure if these are needed yet, might be useful once UTOC/UCAS packers are figured out.


If game fails to load with this: you might need to install the latest VC redist from - grab the vc_redist.x64.exe file, though if you run into any other problems feel free to make a post about it here!

If console doesn't open up or your keyboard doesn't contain a Tilde key: you can rebind the console key by creating a "Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Input.ini" file, with the following inside it:


Make sure game is closed before saving that - once it's in place launch the game again and press P at the menu, hopefully the console should show for you!
You can try changing P to any other key you like, most seem to work, the F1-F12 keys might work if you use VK_F1 / VK_F12 etc.

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