A horde of 50 headcrabs leaded by the artificial inteligence and which grow each time a player join the server. Headcrabs can zombify at any momments the players (who play as combines) to become zombines. After that the players succed to annihilate 50 headcrabs, the boss headcrab make their enter in the game HE grenades and knifes do instant kill against headcrabs Respawn and an optional infinite ammo avaible Musics from Half-Life 2 played each round. Fully customizable. In this Counter-Strike Source mod, the goal for the players who fight as combine soldiers is to annihilate the horde of headcrabs leaded by the artificial intelligence. For this, they must kill the whole horde (+50 headcrabs) and then kill the king headcrabs. During each round, the number of headcrabs spawned in the map is equal by default to the number of players in the server plus three. So for instance, if there are 5 players connected on the server, then the mod will spawn 8 headcrabs in the opposite team ! Of course this number can be modified by admins When the players finally manage to annihilate the headcrab horde, the king headcrabs make their entrances in the game. They are monstrous over sized headcrabs who can endure a lot of damages before dying ! And the worst of all, it is that despite their size, they are as fast as you ! So even if the normal headcrabs are easy to kill, few bullets and you are done with them, the king headcrabs will need a new tactic to defeat them. But there is also another thing that make Headcrab Mod more stressful ! Each time a player is being attacked by an headcrab, he can suddenly being transformed in a zombine (everybody know that headcrabs jump on heads to control their victims?) ! So be careful when one of your team mate is attacked by headcrabs ! You might see him the first time shooting on the head humpers, and then the second time running at you with a crab on his head and in hurry to shred you in small pieces. This always add more stress since any friendly player can become your worst enemy at any time ! The mod is bug free and does not make problems, the admins can easily configure it. Also, the mod is compatible with almost every other scripts, allowing you to add more functionalities to make your server unique. Even if I don't work any more on this mod but I might complete it one time. I have already planned to port the original Gonnarch from Half-Life 1 into Headcrab Mod to be the final boss (followed with many King Headcrabs of course !). There will be also a new rank system which will, for instance, sphmn as an elit combine the players who have the best KD/Ratio in the server or as a metro police those who have more deaths than kill.
File information
File name: HeadcrabMod.1.1.0.zip
File size: 9.02 MB
Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary