The mod allows you to recruit more than 6 units ingame.
There is currently no clean way to bypass the recruit lock ingame in the UI, recruitment will be done via keyboard shortcuts. See Usage section.
Installation (PC):
- This mod requires the installation of RE-UE4SS, follow the instructions on the github page:
- Quick installation guide:
- Download the latest release: UE4SS_v3.0.1.zip
- Extract it to your ManorLords installation path -> ManorLords\Binaries\Win64\
(For steam it's usually steamapps\common\Manor Lords\ManorLords\Binaries\Win64\) - Unzip the archive into your ManorLords installation path -> ManorLords\Binaries\Win64\Mods\ (This folder should be there from the installation of RE-UE4SS)
- You should now have a folder called unlockMilitiaLimitMod in ManorLords\Binaries\Win64\Mods\
- Run the game.
Installation (GamePass):
- This mod requires the installation of RE-UE4SS, follow the instructions on the github page:
Quick installation guide:
- Download the latest release: UE4SS_v3.0.1.zip
- Extract it to your ManorLords installation path -> C:\XboxGames\ -> \ManorLords\Binaries\WinGDK\
- Alternatively, some users are reporting UE4SS should be installed in the following location: (C:\Users\"UserName"\AppData\Local\ManorLords\Saved\Config\WinGDK\) - In the UE4SS-settings.ini file, set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false.
- Download the mod.
- Unzip the downloaded mod into your ManorLords installation path -> ManorLords\Binaries\WinGDK\Mods\ (This folder should be there from the installation of RE-UE4SS)
- You should now have a folder called unlockMilitiaLimitMod in ManorLords\Binaries\WinGDK\Mods\
- Need to enable mod in mods.txt manually, add unlockMilitiaLimitMod : 1 line for that.
- Run the game.
- Due to stability issues, the mod sometimes does not load properly and requires you to load your savegame multiple times (Usually 2/3 times will fix it) Fixed in v1.1
- Once ingame, you should hover to the region where you want to recruit the militia
- Using the following keyboard combinations you can recruit the following:
Ctrl+F1 - Militia Footmen
Ctrl+F2 - Spear Militia
Ctrl+F3 - Polearm Militia
Ctrl+F4 - Archer Militia - Simply test out the combinations and if no units have been created then refer to Step 1 and reload the game until it works.
- When trying to recruit in a region you do not own, it will pop up a message saying so.
- Requires a new game, it can potentially work in an old savegame but may also break it (use at your own risk).
- Not aware of any other mod compatibility issues
Delete ManorLords\Binaries\Win64\Mods\unlockMilitiaLimitMod\ folder
File information
File name: ManorLords_UnlockMilitiaLimit_v1.1.zip
File size: 1.4 KB
Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
September 8, 2024 - 4:34pm