Stardew Valley Fairy Fix Mod v1.0

Stardew Valley Fairy Fix Mod v1.0 Stardew Valley Fairy Fix Mod v1.0

Add some control over what crops the crop fairy can interact with and add some extra enhancements to the event

Allows you to select which crops the crop fairy can interact with. Press the toggle button (default 'U') to activate the overlay, once active press the right mouse button (or 'A' on controller) to select a tile.

A tile can have 3 states:
Off (Red)
Ignore this crop (Yellow)
Ignore this tile (Green)

There's 3 modes of selecting a tile:
Single: Select one tile at a time
Connected: Select all of the tiles connected to the one clicked
ConnectedSameCrop: Select all of the tiles connected to the one clicked that have the same crop (if the clicked tile has no crop, then the connected tiles must also have no crop)

To unselect a tile hold either control button (or press down the left stick on controller) to deselect the tiles regardless of current state.

Additionally there are options to let the crop fairy revive dead crops (revived crops will also grow instantly), and an option to remove all selected tiles when the season changes.

How to install : 
1. Install Smapi
2. Unzip the file and place it in the mod folder.

File information

File name:

File size: 18.99 KB

Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary