Did you know Power Rangers was still a thing? Yes, since the early '90s where Tommy and pals first joined up with Zordon to take on the evil Rita Repulsa with their dinozords and he-yahs, new teens have been taking up the Power Rangers mantle and Twitch is set to begin celebrating that tomorrow, with an ultra marathon.
Beginning Tuesday, 14th March, Power Rangers will be streamed live for 17 days of back to back episodes and seasons, showing everything from the early dino Rangers, right up to the modern day... dino Rangers. There will be many others throughout though, from SPD, to Samurais, Turbo Rangers and more. They're all getting their place in the line up.
The show will start at 7PM GMT/11AM PDT on the official Twitch Presents channel, with live chat for viewers, emotes and badges for people to play with and co-streaming is active, so don't be surprised to see people streaming episodes for their own communities if you'd rather chat in smaller groups.
All of this of course is to help promote the upcoming Power Rangers movie, which is set to debut on March 24.