If you ever played the original Dark Souls on the PC, chances are you've had to wipe vomit off of your monitor at some point as it's a truly ugly port that does the game little justice. The resolution is far too low, there's no advanced graphical options and it's a prime example of how not to bring a game to a platform.
Thankfully there's mods, one in particular called DSFix which sorts out most of the problems with it. It unlocks resolution options and plenty of other graphical tweaks that make the game a little more passable. However you can no longer download the mod from official sources, as the game's publisher Bandai Namco has filed a copyright claim against it.
The mod's creator, Durante said in a statement (via
Eurogamer): "This is utter bullshit of course," he said, "especially since DSfix does not include any of their material.
"I'm actually amazed that they would do this. I mean WTF."
However, it may all turn out to be a big mistake, as some unconfirmed reports suggest that this might be yet another instance of an automated take-down tool targeting something unrelated because it contains reference to game files within its code.
We'll have to wait and see, but either way, it's clearly overkill.