If you plan to get a Playstation 3 for Christmas, next Saturday might be a good time to do so.
For the 2007 holiday season, Wal-Mart has 4 "Secret Sales" planed, the first of them has been unveiled : 10 free Blu-ray Movies with each 80GB Playstation 3 sold.
Add those to Sony's five free Blu-ray movies sent via mail-in-rebate, and you've got yourself 15 high-def movies to watch on your new console. Enough to keep you occupied until PS3 game start kicking in.
Wal-Mart has taken precautions not to ruin the event. "For those stores that carry BD already, additional titles are being sent in for the sale,"said Wal-Mart employee Vonscoot. "For those that do not have BD in their store (a small minority) product will be sent to each store specifically for this sale."
Wal-Mart's offer is only applicable for Blu-ray movies priced at $30 or less.