Call of Duty Modern Warfare is, for many people, the best Call of Duty game ever made. While we all likely have our preferences (#CoD2forlife), Modern Warfare could easily be argued as the turning point for the series that made it the uber popular franchise it is today.
So the fact that a remastered version is coming soon is quite a big deal. It's a big deal for the makers of the original game as well as fans though, which is why one of the original developers, Vince Zampella, who helped found Infinity Ward too, who said he hopes the new developers don't drop the ball.
In-fact he was a bit more succinct than that, saying in a chat with Eurogamer that he "told them not to f*** it up."
"That's my on the record response. I rang them up and said, honestly, don't f*** it up. It's a huge part of people's gaming memories," he said.
Zampella himself has much bigger things to focus on though, like the release of Titanfall 2 in the near future.
Do you think he'll f*** that up?