DICE hunting Battlefield 4 bugs, wants your input

DICE hunting Battlefield 4 bugs, wants your input

As with any giant game launch these days, Battlefield 4 has come a little stuck in a few areas, with gamers struggling to play the game the way it was meant to be played, or in some instances, having it start at all. Fortunately DICE is working on a lot of these problems and has published a bug list to let everyone know what it's prioritising.

Published on the official Battlefield forums, the post lists bugs and their current status in DICE's queue - and there are a few, but some bounties have already been collected. Some game crashes and freezes have been identified and eliminated in four released server side patches, but more remain and those that are caused by issues client side, may take a bit longer.

There's also some multiplayer and single player progress loss problems, which are currently in the "investigating," stage. DICE does suggest that if your multiplayer status does seem to disappear during or shortly after server updates, that you wait a little while as often they will be restored.

The next patch rolling out will address the Premium "Reset Stats," feature not working, though this is likely to be a PC client patch, rather than one that applies to all platforms.

DICE is also asking you to send in any information you might have about potential bugs. Bug reports help, as do passing along the specs of your system. The developer signed off by saying:

"We would like to thank all players who have been reporting their issues to us – your feedback is invaluable when making sure we can deliver the Battlefield 4 experience you all deserve. In true DICE fashion, we will keep supporting Battlefield 4 for a long time, and we appreciate your feedback and patience as we work these issues out."