Oh boy, are you guys ready for the biggest change Microsoft has ever made to its Xbox platform? I'm being facetious of course, but this is quite a groundbreaking change considering it's seemingly permanence previously. I'm talking of course about the noise that the Xbox makes when you earn an achievement.
That little blip, pop or puck, however you want to describe it, will remain, but only for the lower-level achievements. Moving forward, there's a new noise that will play when you unlock a rare achievement on the Xbox One and it's much more dramatic.
See? Won't that make you feel like you've hit a bigger milestone with your time invested?
Sure for a lot of people achievements aren't a big deal and not something to bother with, but for those that do spend hours upon hours hunting them down, it's likely a nice addition that will make them feel a bit more special. Nothing wrong with that.
This new sound effect comes along with the introduction of "rare" achievements. They will be harder to find, harder to unlock and when you get them, you'll be able to show your friends, as well as see who else out there managed the feat that you did.