Iconic dwarven management simulator, Dwarf Fortress, is still on its way to Steam, but now it might actually arrive in the not-too-distant-future, according to the developers. They're mulling over whether to release the base game with its graphical overhaul, but without those same improvements to Arena, Adventure, and Legends, or to wait until all of those are finished too, and release it all at the same time further down the road.
The decision, may be up to you.
If the base game Fortress mode was released first without the others, the would come eventually as free updates to anyone who bought the base game, but it might leave a sour taste in the mouth of long-time fans who want the full experience right away and see little reason to pay for an incomplete product.
"We’ll be pondering this and considering feedback. We’ll eventually get to everything; it’s just a matter of the best order to do things, with a different right answer for different players, frustratingly enough! I’m grateful for how patient people have been in general, especially with everything going on, and thankful for the support we’ve gotten from the community and Kitfox as we try to get this initial release together."
At the very least, it's fair to say that the graphical update will be worth the wait. No longer a mess of ASCII characters, the new version has a much more accessible and legible aesthetic.
If you want to wait for the full thing, or would rather get Fortress mode this Fall, be sure to let the developers at Kitfox know.