With the Rare-alumni produced, crowd funded, Yooka-Laylee a rousing success just a couple of days after it initial launch on Kickstarter, the developers have released some early gameplay footage from the platformer, to give people an idea of what it's been and will continue to, work on.
As the video wants us to know, this is "very early," gameplay, but already you can see the influences at work. It looks like something from the world of Viva Pinata and it sounds right out of a Banjo Kazooie level. There's even a bunch of stuff to collect, which harkens way back to the N64 development days at Rare.
Much like those Rare games too, this is a buddy platformer featuring a Chameleon and a bat this time, rather than a bear and a bird. However much like Banjo and his pal, the bat helps the pair glide around and get further and higher than before, whilst the more combat orientated aspects of the game look to be handled by the reptilian friend on the bottom of the equation.
Currently in development for all major consoles and PC, Yooka Laylee has a long development ahead of it, with an estimated release date of October 2016. However with all of the money behind it, there shouldn't be any roadblocks in its creation (fingers crossed) so you never know if it it might arrive a bit sooner.
Judging from crowd funding successes like Broken Age though, perhaps not.