It never rains, it pours, as they say and the same can be said for video games. While fans clamoured for years for Square Enix to remake its classic Final Fantasy VII game in an HD remastering, it took a long time for the developer/publisher to agree. Now that it has though, it's really going all out.
Along with announcing major changes to the game, including the way combat is handled and various other mechanics within, Square has also said that the story of what happens in the world of FFVII, will be split across multiple games, giving different accounts and angles on the story.
"It will essentially be a full scale game for each part of the multi-part series. In [FF]13, each instalment told the story from a different angle. It was kind of like approaching an unknown territory in a sense," producer Yoshinori Kitase told Game Informer.
"Whereas with Final Fantasy 7 Remake, we already have a pre-existing story, so it wouldn’t really make sense if that isn’t encompassed in a multi-part series."
Each part of the story is planned to be "as big," as individual Final Fantasy XIII games, so there should be a lot of content. Indeed Final Fantasy VII was a big game, so there could be a lot of different areas that could be expanded to offer plenty of content in their own right. However it may be that different characters have their own stories told more in-depth than before, possibly from their own, rather than Cloud's perspective.
What do you think of the idea?