Final Fantasy X and X2 HD remasters will hit Steam this week

Final Fantasy X and X2 HD remasters will hit Steam this week

Final Fantasy X and X2 might not have the popularity of VII, but they are one of the more popular pair of titles from the franchise's history, so it's no real surprise that the HD Remasters are heading to Steam this week, with expectations that more than a few people will decide to take pick up Tidus and Yuna's story once again - and perhaps even take part in the odd game of Blitz Ball if they're feeling up to it.

This is the same remaster that was announced all the way back in 2011 and showed up on the PS3 not too long after and the PS4 last year. However it's taken a long time for it to eventually make it to Steam, so it's great that it's finally decided to show up.

Better late than never.

The remastering comes with HD textures on all of the models, newly improved music and some of the additions of the modern age, like auto-saves (thank god we've moved beyond save points) and the ability to buy a variety of experience and money boosters, for those that don't fancy grinding for hours on end to get the gear and levels that you need to progress.

Hopefully this release won't see some of the issues that previous Final Fantasy remasters have faced, but it has seemed like Square has been improving its ports as of late, so perhaps we'll get lucky.

Is this one going on your wishlist?