Despite its troubled beginnings, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn has reached a new milestone with more than 2 million player registrations worldwide.
Final Fantasy XIV was originally launched in 2010 to largely negative reviews and fans' criticism. Surprised by the negative reception of its flagship IP, Square Enix halted subscriptions while its developers and designers scrambled to fix the game. In the end, the company decided to reboot the entire game. The original Final Fantasy XIV was taken offline in November 2012 before the Realm Reborn reboot launched on PC and PS3 in August 2013.
And listening to player feedback proved worthwhile. Less than 2 months after A Realm Reborn's release, 1.5 million users were registered. Additionally, Square Enix announced last month that the game enjoys more than 500,000 daily active users.
The PlayStation 4 version of the game was launched last week.