Elden Ring isn't just a massive release, it's a massive game, with an enormous, sprawling world to explore, with heaps of points of interest, dungeons to explore, enemies to slay, and huge hills and mountains to climb atop. But that sheer scale of the space can be a little intimidating, and easy to get lost in. If you're finding it difficult to make your way around the huge space, then this interactive map of The Lands Between might be just what you need.
It probably goes without saying, but huge, huge spoilers here, so proceed with caution if you don't want to know much about the game world you're exploring. Seeing a map with everything on it even for a split second could be enough to remove some of the grandeur and wonder from Elden Ring's world.
For those who are completionists, who want to make sure they clear out absolutely everything from an area before moving on, though, this is an invaluable resources.
Do note, however, it's not entirely complete just yet. As it's run by players, it's being added to as the game is further explored, secrets are unlocked, and hidden areas are discovered. At this time, the starting areas are all very well labelled with all of things you can discover, but the late game areas are distinctly lacking in icons. That'll change in the weeks to come, though, so check back if you want help navigating some of the harder areas of the game further down the line.
How are you all enjoying Elden Ring at the moment? It's one of the biggest game releases in many years, which for a game of this difficulty and genre, feels like a huge achievement.