The MOBA landscape is pretty crowded already, so it's with some surprise that people seem pretty excited for Gigantic, a game that mashes up the likes of Team Fortress with SMITE to deliver a pretty unique looking and playing experience.
Gigantic comes from the mind of Starcraft and Guild Wars lead designer James Phinney, as part of his new studio Motiga. It has classic MOBA elements, like players fighting across a map to gain control of certain parts, all in the third person mind-you, but where it differs is with each team's base.
In Gigantic, your base is a living, breathing, fighting capable guardian, which when powered up will march across the map and decimate opponents, terraforming the map as it goes. The idea is to make it so powerful, that it can knock out the enemy's guardian, giving you a chance to finish it off.
There's a number of unique characters and the art style is almost cell shaded, though more detailed. Heroes will level up throughout play, much like other MOBAs and will have a number of abilities to utilise in their battle for dominance. However some characters will be able to summon monsters of their own to fight on their side, so it won't be the typical lanes of creeps marching forward that have become a staple of the genre.
What do you guys think of the game? It's been a while since I thought a MOBA looked fun, but this could be interesting.