Half-Life 2 Does XBox

Half-Life 2 Does XBox

The story which broke the "Half-Life 2" news on PC Gamer magazine, hinted that there may be no console version for the much anticipated title. Troubled by the possibility of the game not appearing on XBox, AreaXBox, a German magazine, contacted Doug Lombardi of Valve software. He put their fears to rest by telling them that a version is already under development for Microsoft's console. According to Mr Lombardi Half-Life 2 on XBox will offer a minimum of 40 hours of single player fun, while it is not yet known if the game will support XBox Live, even though that would make perfect sense.

The possibility of HL2 being released on other consoles was not discussed, as you would expect from a magazine called AreaXBox but it was not ruled out either. It is unlikely that a PS2 or Cube version of the game would be easy to develop if we are to trust the first images we have seen of the game but it would make perfect business sense if the game or its technology surfaced on the other formats.

Doug Lombardi also made it clear that no news of the XBox version will be formally announced until after E3.