Kane & Lynch silently removed the 5 stars which appeared beside the quotes, but left the quotes themselves. Screenshots of the site's previous state are available in the screens tab.
Original Story:
At the heart of the recent Kane & Lynch marketing fiasco, is the allegation that Eidos pressured Gamespot into firing Jeff Gerstmann who gave the game a low score.
Clearly, we can never be sure if the aforementioned story is 100% true, but here is what we are sure about: Kane & Lynch official website has been caught red-handed forging reviews' scores.
The flash intro on the game's official site quotes GameSpy and Game informer's reviews and claim that they both gave the game a perfect (5 stars) score. The truth is that GameSpy gave Kane & Lynch 3 stars out of five, i.e. 60%, which is the same score Gerstmann gave it. Game Informer gave it 7/10 (70%) score.
Kane & Lynch official website also quoted GameSpy for saying " It's the best emulation of being in the midst of a Michael Mann movie we've ever seen", but this quote doesn't appear anywhere in GameSpy's review. It did however appear in an early E3 coverage which was published more than five months ago.
The official webpage also listed a quote from Game Informer : "A mercenary, a psychopath, & a bundle of cash... what could go wrong?". This quote too does not exist in Game Informer's review. It may have been published in an early preview, but we couldn't find it.