We might know who the new characters in Nintendo's upcoming DLC for Mario Kart 8 are (Tanooki Mario, Cat Peach and Link) and we know what 3/4 of the new Karts are going to be (B-Dasher, Blue Falcon and Master Cycle) but until now we didn't know anything about the courses that the $7.99 will get us.
The first one has now been announced however and is coming as part of the Yoshi's Egg cup. Of course, it's Yoshi's Island.
The course has been updated a little since its first outing on the Gamecube in Mario Kart Double Dash, with the area that was once the little guy's feet, now a full blown village, with buildings, streamers and a little jetty.
Some of the track's most famous areas are still present though, like the tail section hairpin, and the tunnel sections which offer a welcome relief from the barrier-free corners for those that like to drift a little close to the edge.
Watch the trailer above to see some of the new characters battling it out, or head over to Nintendo to pre-order the DLC now. It's $7.99 for one, or $11 for both this and the second due out next year.
This first batch of DLC is coming in November, while the second will arrive in May 2015.