Remember My Friend Pedro? Is was an amusing 10 minute side scroller with some great slow motion gun toting action, a strange sense of humour and some surprisingly fun gameplay for a short flash game. You can still play .
But now we have a sequel on the way and it looks as 'bananas' as the original. Explosions are more explosive, the bullet hell is ridddled with more bullets and the gameplay has overall received a big makeover - indeed it would, it's been built from scratch.
However the original feel of Pedro and pals is there, with strange fruit asking questions, unnamed enemies catching copious amounts of lead to the face and the endless progression sideways as we try to shoot our way to salvation.
Currently under developement at DeadToast, we don't know when My Friend Pedro is planned for release, but it looks to be coming along nicely. We'd expect it to show up sometime in 2017.
Did any of you play the original back in the day?