Although the Nintendo Switch isn't designed with virtual reality in mind, it should be capable of it thanks to its newer-generation processors and GPU. Nintendo is considering it too, but will only implement it in the future when some of the kinks have been worked out.
This announcement was made by Nintendo head Tatsumi Kimishima, who said that along with upgrading the online multiplayer experience and offering free games to those who pay for Nintendo's online service for the Switch, it will considering VR at some point.
"If we are able to resolve the issues with playing [VR] comfortably for long hours, we will support it in one form or another," he said (via NIkkei).
However he didn't go so far as to suggest when this might be. Presumably we're talking in at least a year, but if VR blows up in the near future, I suppose you never know.
One suggestion for how Nintendo could implement virtual reality with the Switch, is in a similar manner to Google Cardboard. Users could take the Switch's screen and slot it into a headset. However this wouldn't get it too far, as beyond only being a single screen and therfore not as nuanced as the multi-display systems used in other headsets, the resolution of the Switch's screen is only 720p, which is a far cry from current generation headsets.
Let alone those that we'll see released in the future.