Only 17 Percent Believe Current Games Price Is Fair

Only 17 Percent Believe Current Games Price Is Fair Only 17 Percent Believe Current Games Price Is Fair

At $60 each, current gen games are 50% more expensive than their predecessors, but how does that affect demand?

According to a recent survey by Frank N. Magid Associates, only 17% of gamers believe that the $60 price doesn't affect their purchasing decisions, 43% said that they'll wait for the price to drop and 30% opted to buy used games instead of new ones.

The survey results are as follows (participants were allowed to rick multiple answers, so the total percentage will exceed 100%):
* 43% said theyʼd wait for next-gen game prices to drop
* 30% would buy more used games
* 23% would buy fewer games at $60 a pop
* 17% would rent more games rather than purchase them
* 17% said that for the right game, price would not matter