While we don't know much about Rockstar's upcoming GTA 5, the developer has reached out to the gaming community to ask just what it is we want it to have as the in-game multiplayer portion. It's suggesting crews, in a similar fashion to the ones in May Payne 3, but other than that, Rockstar is all ears.
"Whether it's suggestions for competitive in-game Crew features in Multiplayer, new ways to manage and recruit, ideas for enhancing Social Club Crew pages and leaderboards, things you did and didn't like about Crews in Max Payne 3, or any thoughts at all related to Crews really that you'd like to share - we're all ears," the statement on Rockstar's blog reads.
"We'd especially love to hear from current Crew members and leaders so that we can continue making our unique approach to persistent team based Multiplayer as fun as it can be in GTAV."
If you have an idea for the game, let Rockstar know at this address: GTAVCrewFeedback@rockstargames.com.
However we'd like to hear your thoughts too. Maybe you think crews should have safehouses, or tiered memberships with powerups for crew leaders. Do you want to see new game modes, or a persistent online multiplayer world where territory must be defended and taken over? Let us know.