Following the success of X²: The Threat, the expectation surrounding the recently announced expansion pack has been mounting. MegaGames has managed to steal a closer look at the official X² expansion pack, X²- The Return. Enhancing and extending the game play of X²- The Threat; the expansion pack promises a host of exciting new features.
The expansion pack is set for an April 2005 launch.
Already at war with a mysterious species - the Khaak, the player is dropped into an X-universe facing a new threat from highly organised pirates - The Yaki. With sightings of an unknown spaceship; political pressures from home and brand new weapons trying to blast the player into spacedust it sure isn't safe in space anymore.
With a sweeping action packed movie storyline, alongside the X universe's famous massive 'free roaming' universe, X²- The Return will take the player on dynamic missions to test their skills to the limit. However, brand new ships, shiny new weapons, and a new plot aren't enough. X²- The Return also introduces mini-missions. These give the player access to advanced technologies; puts them into a seat of your pants chase through a futuristic cityscape; allows the chance to remote pilot a drone through an asteroid in a race against the clock; and if that isn't enough, there are still those slave girls that need rescuing from a pleasure complex before it explodes. Answering many of the questions about the X universe, X²- The Return offers the chance to Trade, Fight, Build and Think your way through to a thrilling conclusion. Pull on the spacesuit, warm the engines, X2's back in town.
Factory Complex
You might be at war, but you'll have to do more than fight to win. To add to X²'s well established trading credentials, X²- The Return now gives a new building element that lets budding entrepreneurs interconnect factories to create huge spaceborne complexes to truly mass produce the commodities a universal economy demands.
Does Size Matter?
Of course it does and The X universe is growing again. There are new hidden sectors for players to discover. Existing sectors now include a variety of 'unique' items, which will encourage fresh exploration and discovery throughout the universe. Many of the 70+ existing starship types get 'variant' models for specialist purposes. But you'll have to think when you tinker, for those gleaming new storage compartment on your TS Transporter might carry more cargo, but it could mean you can't dock at stations.
Expansion Modules
Registered players of X²- The Return (registration is free), have had the bonus service of being able to download and add modules to their game. This has always been a major factor of the play experience. For instance, the recent 'Gunnery Crew' module allowed players to hire A. I. crew members to man gunports on ships with multiple turrets giving improved efficiency. These existing modules have been built into X²- The Return, and will be used to expand the game even further. Artificial Life modules increase the depth of the universe immensely, while modules for the player HQ will add advanced strategic features. There'll be the possibility to invade sectors with whole fleets of ships from one central strategic location, or to create sector 'taxation' laws for passing ships and many more expansions which will add new, unexplored scope for advanced players.
Player HQ
Based around a central hub, the player HQ can be increased with numerous modules. The initial modules are relatively cheap, allowing the player to swiftly begin operations at their new strategic base. Later modules add more and more advanced features, from strategic command, to dry dock facilities for the repairing of damaged ships and even weapon and equipment R&D capabilities.
X²- The Return will require X²- The Threat to play.