3D Cyberpuck +9 trainer
Text file description:
-- --- | | ---- JOLLY GOOD ELiTES TRADERS - AND SUPPLiERS ASCii BY ZAPP/TSYS & JETS ---- RELEASE iNFORMATiON ----- - - NAME: 3D CyberPuck v1.1 [+9] Trainer RELEASE DATE: 1st of July 1995 SOFTWARE TYPE: Trainer CODER/CRACKER: Mr JETS / NHE SUPPLIER: Razor 1911 ---------------- - - ---- LAST MiNUTE iNFORMATiON ----- - - After some time of inactivity we're back with a trainer for 3D CyberPuck. It was possible to train it up to about +12 options, but the trainer engine didn't allow it, and we were to lazy to reprogram it....it's summer U know! | Greetings goes out to all active groups in the scene. ----------------- - - ------- MEMBERS --------- - - | ..:: Mr JETS ::.. ..:: MiK -- NHE -- CRiTiCAL MASS ::.. ..:: STEALTH -- KiNGPiN -- THUNDER ::.. ..:: THE GLiMT -- ZAPP -- TREKKIE ::.. | ..:: WAREDEALER -- MR ASSE -- SiDEWiNDER ::.. ----------------- - - ---- MEMBERSHiP APPLiCATION ----- - - If you're interested in being a part of JETS, and think that you've got the right skills to fit in the group, then don't hesitate to apply.. Call +46-(0)414-14390 LOGIN: JETS PASSWORD: APPLY Leave mail to one of the sysops, with voice number, detailed information on your skills and maybe something from your production. If you meet the requirements, we'll contact you in a couple of days. ----------------- - - ------- DiSTRiBUTiON ------- - - | GiGHERTZ [EHQ] NHE : | POWER HOUSE [CoURiER SiTE] KiNGPiN THE DARK FRONTiER [DiST SiTE] MiK THe HoUSe -CLOSED- [DiST SiTE] ZaPP iNFERNAL REGiONS [DiST SiTE] XiNoSiS : DARKWiNDS [DiST SiTE] SiDEWiNDER ----------------- - - < IF YOU LIKE THIS SOFTWARE, BUY IT! TALENTED CODERS DESERVE SUPPORT! >
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: w.zip
File size: 7.7 KB
Mime type: First entry not deflated or stored -- use unzip compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:43am