Actua Soccer Team editor

Actua Soccer Team editor

Actua Soccer Team editor

Text file description:

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owidctlparadjustright fs20lang2057 {f1fs48 Actua Soccer Team Editor
par }{i Copyright 'a9 1997 Alan Harding
par }{ifs24
par }pard li852
owidctlparadjustright {fs24 Here's a handy little program that's been hanging around on my hard disk for a while, which I've decided, prompted by the budget re-release of Actua Soccer, to release to the public.
par }{f1fs28 What does it do?
par }{fs24 It allows you to edit all the information relating to the teams in Actua Soccer, such as names, positions and attributes of players, as well as allowing you to fiddle with league positions and details.
par }{f1fs28 What do I need to run it?
par }{fs24 It should run on any PC running Windows 3.1 or later (I've no idea about Windows
 3.0, or OS/2 or any other 'Windows compatible' operating systems/emulators).  I'm not sure about memory requirements, but it needs a fair percentage of system resources to be free.  It will run on a 640x480 pixel display by not displaying the logo when a
file is loaded.  However if you start it in a larger screen mode and then switch to 640x480 this feature will not be enabled unless you restart the editor.  You also need a saved game file to edit, which in turn requires Actua Soccer (Well there's the obv
ious pointed out).
par Simply execute the ACTUA-ED.EXE file which accompanies this document using the Run option from the Start Menu/Program Manager, double click on it's icon in Explorer/File Manager, or create a icon for it in the Start Menu/Program Manager.
  (See Windows help if you can't do any of these)
par }{f1fs28 How does it work?
par }{fs24 It works by loading in a saved game file, performing some voodoo magic and saving the result to be loaded into Actua Soccer.  Actua gives you 8 save game slots to save, named SLOT_0.ACT t
o SLOT_7.ACT.  The editor allows you to load and save .ACT files with different names, but if you want Actua to notice them you must save them in the Actua Soccer directory on your hard disk with a name in this range.  When you load a file into the editor
 the name you gave it in Actua Soccer is displayed on the title bar of the window along with the filename.
par }pard qcli852
owidctlparadjustright {fs24 Although it is usually possible to reverse the effects of the editor please back up any important save game files - I will not be held responsible for damage to save game files.
par }pard li852
owidctlparadjustright {fs24
par }{f1fs28 What's on the menu?
par }{fs24 The editor has a standard menu bar with three menus and an 'About' option.
par }{if1fs24 	ab The File Menu
par }pard li2127
owidctlparadjustright {fs24 	ab Open}{fs24  - Reads a saved game file into the editor to be altered using the standard Windows file dialog.  (See above for info on filenames)
par }{fs24 	ab Save}{fs24  - Saves the current file, once again with the Windows dialog (this always acts as a 'Save As'; that you are always asked for a filename to save to).
par }{fs24 	ab Cheat Mode}{fs24  - Actua has a cheat mode that is activated by running it with the command-line
par 'SOCCER -01142475549'.  This allows you to play as (or against) the Gremlin Showbix XI, a pretty good team.  Unfortunately if you load a game which was saved	ab without the cheat mode on, it will be turned off.  This menu option allows you to s
elect whether the cheat mode should be activated when the file is loaded.
par }{fs24 	ab Exit}{fs24  - I'm through pointing out the obvious.
par }pard li852
owidctlparadjustright {if1fs24 	ab The Team Menu
par }pard li1985
owidctlparadjustright {fs24 Import}{fs24
 - Loads in a team saved as an .ATE file by the editor.  This allows you to save individual teams separate from a saved game file (team files can't be loaded by Actua Soccer).  The currently selected team is overwritten by the saved data.
par }{fs24 Export}{fs24  - Saves the currently selected team as a separate file. (See above)  Note: league information is NOT saved in a team file.
par }{fs24 Copy & Paste}{fs24  - These work like the Windows clipboard and allow you to copy the currently selected team to a 'clipboard' (an internal one, not
 the Windows one) and paste as many copies as you like.  Pasting overwrites the currently selected team.
par }pard li852
owidctlparadjustright {if1fs24 	ab The Player Menu
par }pard li1985
owidctlparadjustright {fs24 All the options on the Player menu are the same as the Team menu (See above), except they deal with just the currently selected player, not the whole team.
par }pard fi-1133li1985
owidctlparadjustright {fs24
par }pard li852
owidctlparadjustright {fs24 About}{fs24  - Displays a nice little 'About' dialog window, like any other boring Windows program.
par }{f1fs28 What do all these buttons do?}{
par }{fs24 Once you've loaded a file the window will expand to give you a wealth of options.   The window is split into
 two sections; at the top is the team section that allows you to pick which team to edit and contains all the team info such as league information, and at the bottom is the player section that allows you to pick players and change their details.
par }{f1fs28 Selecting a team
par }{fs24
Teams can be selected from the drop down text box.  Once a team is selected the window shows the information relevant to that team.  You can change the name of the current team by typing one into the drop down text box; make sure you press TAB or c
lick on another button or text box when finished - if you Save the file, export the team, or choose another team before doing this, the changed name won't be stored.  There is a short name for the team as well (which is used most of the time), so change t
at as well.  You can also change the name of the coach (you can do it in Actua too), change the current and default formations for the team, and change which flag is used to represent the team by picking from the drop down selector. (Note: any name change
s to (short) team names is reflected in this selector).
par }{f1fs28 How to play dirty!
par }{fs24 So far the features covered are merely cosmetic; but you can use the editor to cheat as well.  In the middle of the window is the league statistics for the selected team (if no leag
ue game was in progress when the file was saved it is meaningless).  Here you can edit the wins, draws and losses the team has had, as well as the goals for and against.  The games played, goal difference and points are automatically calculated and can't
be edited directly.  This allows you to boost your team to the top or sabotage a competitor.
par If this isn't enough for you, the Swap button allows you to swap positions with any other team, allowing you instant promotion to a higher league group.  Simply se
lect a team from the drop down box (the group each team is in is shown before the team name) and press the Swap button (the Group X label above the league details will change to reflect the swap).  The swap feature will work even if there is no league gam
e currently started - the swap will affect the default groupings for the next started league game, however it won't work if a cup competition is in progress.
par }{f1fs28 Editing your players
par }{fs24
This is the real reason I wrote this program - the changing of player attributes.  This is because I tried to update the England team from within Actua Soccer, and although I could change the names, I couldn't specify that Robbie Fowler (who replaced Andy
 Cole) was white!
par Players are selected in the same manner as teams, and there names changed in the same way (you have to press TAB here too).  The currently selected player's attributes are shown and can be changed either by using the plus and minus button
s, or by clicking on the numbers and using the keyboard.  Actua usually has a limit of 100 on these attributes, although the editor allows you to go up to 255.  Warning: setting attributes (especially Pace) above 100 can have some strange effects (try it
and see!).  You can also set which position the player plays in and his skin colour - Robbie Fowler is white again!
par }{f1fs28 Notes
par }{fs24 Although it is possible to produce a team full of players with hyped up attributes, it isn't recommended - Actua Soccer subtly changes
 the effective attributes of computer teams by looking at your team to even the teams up a little.  This can have a big boost on the computer team when you field a line up of supermen!  To counter this I find it helpful to have 16 special players (for the
starting 11 and the substitutes bench) and then fill the rest of the team with crap players with low attributes (ideally all set to 1).  This seems to balance things out a little when playing a computer team (it can sometimes penalise the computer even th
ough you're playing as a far superior team!).
par Here's another little cheat for Actua Soccer - it works on my version (1.4) but as it is a bug it may have been fixed in later versions.  When a player is sent off, you can still substitute him!  Simply select
the offender as the player to go 'off' and make the substitution - the 'on' player simply strolls on to the pitch, unnoticed by the referee!
par This program has been tested with save game files from the English version 1.4 of Actua Soccer.  I doubt the save
game format differs for any other version (I'm not aware of what's available, although I know there have been some special versions for 3D accelerators, but I don't have one!), but if you have a different version, and you get an 'Invalid File Format' erro
r, this is what's happened.  Sorry there's nothing I can do about it.
par }{f1fs28 Bugs
par }{fs24 Unfortunately I can't fix any bugs in the program because I left college (where I wrote the editor in Visual Basic).  There are no major ones that I'm aware of (touch wood) but if y
ou find any just live with them.  One bug is that if you try to load an invalid save game file after editing a valid one, the window won
quote t resize properly.  This is purely cosmetic, so it
quote s not too bad.
par The only other problem I've had with it is that some
times the player names are mucked up when loaded into Actua Soccer.  This doesn't affect the attributes and such, and can be remedied by renaming the players again using Actua's built in Customise option.  Files with this problem will still load into the
editor without any problems.
par }{f1fs28 Is this wonderful program free?
par }{fs24 Not exactly.  I intend it to be 'giftware' - that is I give the program to you as a gift and although it's not necessary, kindness says that you should give me a gift in return.  I would prefer a
 monetary gift of as much as you feel the program is worth (in English pounds please) and can afford - a tenner will do, but I won't stop you sending more!  Otherwise send me whatever you think appropriate.  (See address below)
par You are free to distribute
this program in any way you want (as long as no profit is made) - Internet, shareware CD-ROM, magazine cover disk etc. - as long as ACTUA-ED.EXE and this document are kept together (CMDIALOG.VBX and VBRUN300.DLL are generic system files and do not have to
 be distributed with this program even though they are required - if your copy of this program doesn't include these files, and they aren't on your PC, try the Microsoft Internet page, or look around your CD-ROMs and disks;
they are common files, odds are you have them somewhere).
par }pard qcli852
owidctlparadjustright {fs28 Alan Harding
par }{fs28 123 Reading Road South
par Fleet
par Hampshire
par GU13 9TD
par }{fs28
par }{fs28ul
par }{fs28
par }{ifs28 Actua Soccer is Copyright 'a9 1995 Gremlin Interactive Limited
par }pard li852
owidctlparadjustright {fs28
par }pard qcli852
par }}Actua Soccer Team Editor
Copyright 1997 Alan Harding
Here's a handy little program that's been hanging around on my hard disk
for a while, which I've decided, prompted by the budget re-release of
Actua Soccer, to release to the public.
What does it do?
It allows you to edit all the information relating to the teams in Actua
Soccer, such as names, positions and attributes of players, as well as
allowing you to fiddle with league positions and details.
What do I need to run it?
It should run on any PC running Windows 3.1 or later (I've no idea about
Windows 3.0, or OS/2 or any other 'Windows compatible' operating
systems/emulators).  I'm not sure about memory requirements, but it needs
a fair percentage of system resources to be free.  It will run on a 640x480
pixel display by not displaying the logo when a file is loaded.  However if
you start it in a larger screen mode and then switch to 640x480 this feature
will not be enabled unless you restart the editor.  You also need a saved
game file to edit, which in turn requires Actua Soccer (Well there's the
obvious pointed out).
Simply execute the ACTUA-ED.EXE file which accompanies this
document using the Run option from the Start Menu/Program Manager,
double click on it's icon in Explorer/File Manager, or create a icon for it in
the Start Menu/Program Manager.  (See Windows help if you can't do
any of these)
How does it work?
It works by loading in a saved game file, performing some voodoo magic
and saving the result to be loaded into Actua Soccer.  Actua gives you 8
save game slots to save, named SLOT_0.ACT to SLOT_7.ACT.  The
editor allows you to load and save .ACT files with different names, but if
you want Actua to notice them you must save them in the Actua Soccer
directory on your hard disk with a name in this range.  When you load a
file into the editor the name you gave it in Actua Soccer is displayed on the
title bar of the window along with the filename.
Although it is usually possible to reverse the effects of the editor
please back up any important save game files - I will not be held
responsible for damage to save game files.
What's on the menu?
The editor has a standard menu bar with three menus and an 'About'
The File Menu
	Open - Reads a saved game file into the editor to be
	altered using the standard Windows file dialog.  (See above
	for info on filenames)
	Save - Saves the current file, once again with the Windows
	dialog (this always acts as a 'Save As'; that you are always
	asked for a filename to save to).
	Cheat Mode - Actua has a cheat mode that is activated by
	running it with the command-line
	'SOCCER -01142475549'.  This allows you to play as (or
	against) the Gremlin Showbix XI, a pretty good team.
	Unfortunately if you load a game which was saved
	without the cheat mode on, it will be turned off.  This menu
	option allows you to select whether the cheat mode should
	be activated when the file is loaded.
	Exit - I'm through pointing out the obvious.
The Team Menu
	Import - Loads in a team saved as an .ATE file by the editor.
	This allows you to save individual teams separate from a
	saved game file (team files can't be loaded by Actua Soccer).
	The currently selected team is overwritten by the saved data.
	Export - Saves the currently selected team as a separate file.
	(See above)  Note: league information is NOT saved in a
	team file.
	Copy & Paste - These work like the Windows clipboard
	and allow you to copy the currently selected team to a
	'clipboard' (an internal one, not the Windows one) and paste
	as many copies as you like.  Pasting overwrites the currently
	selected team.
The Player Menu
	All the options on the Player menu are the same as the Team
	menu (See above), except they deal with just the currently
	selected player, not the whole team.
	About - Displays a nice little 'About' dialog window, like any other boring
	Windows program.
What do all these buttons do?
Once you've loaded a file the window will expand to give you a wealth of
options.   The window is split into two sections; at the top is the team
section that allows you to pick which team to edit and contains all the team
info such as league information, and at the bottom is the player section that
allows you to pick players and change their details.
Selecting a team
Teams can be selected from the drop down text box.  Once a team is
selected the window shows the information relevant to that team.  You can
change the name of the current team by typing one into the drop down text
box; make sure you press TAB or click on another button or text box
when finished - if you Save the file, export the team, or choose another
team before doing this, the changed name won't be stored.  There is a
short name for the team as well (which is used most of the time), so
change that as well.  You can also change the name of the coach (you can
do it in Actua too), change the current and default formations for the team,
and change which flag is used to represent the team by picking from the
drop down selector. (Note: any name changes to (short) team names is
reflected in this selector).
How to play dirty!
So far the features covered are merely cosmetic; but you can use the
editor to cheat as well.  In the middle of the window is the league statistics
for the selected team (if no league game was in progress when the file was
saved it is meaningless).  Here you can edit the wins, draws and losses the
team has had, as well as the goals for and against.  The games played, goal
difference and points are automatically calculated and can't be edited
directly.  This allows you to boost your team to the top or sabotage a
If this isn't enough for you, the Swap button allows you to swap positions
with any other team, allowing you instant promotion to a higher league
group.  Simply select a team from the drop down box (the group each
team is in is shown before the team name) and press the Swap button (the
Group X label above the league details will change to reflect the swap).
The swap feature will work even if there is no league game currently
started - the swap will affect the default groupings for the next started
league game, however it won't work if a cup competition is in progress.
Editing your players
This is the real reason I wrote this program - the changing of player
attributes.  This is because I tried to update the England team from within
Actua Soccer, and although I could change the names, I couldn't specify
that Robbie Fowler (who replaced Andy Cole) was white!
Players are selected in the same manner as teams, and there names
changed in the same way (you have to press TAB here too).  The
currently selected player's attributes are shown and can be changed either
by using the plus and minus buttons, or by clicking on the numbers and
using the keyboard.  Actua usually has a limit of 100 on these attributes,
although the editor allows you to go up to 255.  Warning: setting attributes
(especially Pace) above 100 can have some strange effects (try it and
see!).  You can also set which position the player plays in and his skin
colour - Robbie Fowler is white again!
Although it is possible to produce a team full of players with hyped up
attributes, it isn't recommended - Actua Soccer subtly changes the
effective attributes of computer teams by looking at your team to even the
teams up a little.  This can have a big boost on the computer team when
you field a line up of supermen!  To counter this I find it helpful to have 16
special players (for the starting 11 and the substitutes bench) and then fill
the rest of the team with crap players with low attributes (ideally all set to
1).  This seems to balance things out a little when playing a computer team
(it can sometimes penalise the computer even though you're playing as a
far superior team!).
Here's another little cheat for Actua Soccer - it works on my version (1.4)
but as it is a bug it may have been fixed in later versions.  When a player is
sent off, you can still substitute him!  Simply select the offender as the
player to go 'off' and make the substitution - the 'on' player simply strolls
on to the pitch, unnoticed by the referee!
This program has been tested with save game files from the English version
1.4 of Actua Soccer.  I doubt the save game format differs for any other
version (I'm not aware of what's available, although I know there have
been some special versions for 3D accelerators, but I don't have one!),
but if you have a different version, and you get an 'Invalid File Format'
error, this is what's happened.  Sorry there's nothing I can do about it.
Unfortunately I can't fix any bugs in the program because I left college
(where I wrote the editor in Visual Basic).  There are no major ones that
I'm aware of (touch wood) but if you find any just live with them.  One bug
is that if you try to load an invalid save game file after editing a valid one,
the window won't resize properly.  This is purely cosmetic, so it's not too
The only other problem I've had with it is that sometimes the player names
are mucked up when loaded into Actua Soccer.  This doesn't affect the
attributes and such, and can be remedied by renaming the players again
using Actua's built in Customise option.  Files with this problem will still
load into the editor without any problems.
Is this wonderful program free?
Not exactly.  I intend it to be 'giftware' - that is I give the program to you
as a gift and although it's not necessary, kindness says that you should give
me a gift in return.  I would prefer a monetary gift of as much as you feel
the program is worth (in English pounds please) and can afford - a tenner
will do, but I won't stop you sending more!  Otherwise send me whatever
you think appropriate.  (See address below)
You are free to distribute this program in any way you want (as long as no
profit is made) - Internet, shareware CD-ROM, magazine cover disk etc.
- as long as ACTUA-ED.EXE and this document are kept together
(CMDIALOG.VBX and VBRUN300.DLL are generic system files and
do not have to be distributed with this program even though they are
required - if your copy of this program doesn't include these files, and they
aren't on your PC, try the Microsoft Internet page, or look around your
CD-ROMs and disks; they are common files, odds are you have them
	Alan Harding
	123 Reading Road South
	GU13 9TD
Actua Soccer is Copyright 1995 Gremlin Interactive Limited
*This File was leeched off The Cheat Compendium @ DLH.NET*
*            check out            *
This trainer has been verified and it
'works'. If you find any difficulties
please refer to the documentation that
comes with the trainer (if there is any)
or it must be due to the version
differences of the game that was used
for creating this trainer and the version
you are using.

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.

File name:

File size: 28.7 KB

Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ