Assault Cube v1.0.4 (+5 Trainer) [RED]
Text file description:
________________________________________________________________________ | ____ \ _//_ ________ |_ | |__/ // \_ | | | | | ___// ___|| |_______| | | \__/ /___| _| |________/\_____________________________________________________________| \_ _/ __ THE [R]EVERSE [E]NGINEER'S [D]REAM TEAM / __ /_/\__ *PROUDLY PRESENTS ANOTHER FINE RELEASE FOR* /__/\_ \_/ AssaultCube v1.0.4 /_/ \__ __/ / \_______________________________________________________________/ / \_ _______________________________________________ _/ / \________/ \________/ ________ RELEASE iNFOS ________ / // \_______________________________________________/ / / Cracked by...........:[ Xylitol ] Packed by............:[ Xylitol ] Supplied by..........:[ RED TEAM ] Tested by............:[ Xylitol ] Protection...........:[ n/a ] Operating System.....:[ WinAll ] Web site.............:[ http://assault.cubers.net ] Release date.........:[ 13/04/2010 ] Release type.........:[ Trainer ] \_ _______________________________________________ _/ / \________/ \________/ ________ DESCRiPTiON ________ / // \_______________________________________________/ / / AssaultCube, Formerly ActionCube, is a free first-person-shooter based on the game Cube. Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as thats possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun. \_ _______________________________________________ _/ / \________/ \________/ ________ iNSTALLATiONS ________ / // \_______________________________________________/ / / [1] Install AssaultCube [2] start AssaultCube (assaultcube.bat) [3] Launch our trainer <Trainer.exe> [4] N-j0y another fine release from RED CREW ;) [$] If u like the game, dont cheat & make a donation* [*] Ctrl+1: Infinit ammunitions [*] Ctrl+2: Infinit grenades [*] Ctrl+3: Fog Distance [*] Ctrl+4: Gibs [*] Ctrl+5: Sniper scope distance Special thanks to Retoxified for the help \_ _______________________________________________ _/ / \________/ \________/ ________ TEAM NEWS ________ / // \_______________________________________________/ / / RED CREW IS LOOKING FOR TALENTED CRACKERS, KEYGENNERS, UNPACKERS CODERS, GFXERS, SFXERS... IF YOU THINK YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE AND WANT TO JOIN US, THEN YOU CAN CONTACT US USING CONTACT SECTION OF THIS NFO :) \_ _______________________________________________ _/ / \________/ \________/ ________ CONTACTS ________ / // \_______________________________________________/ / / EMAiL ...............:[ Check it on our site ! ] SiTE ................:[ http://redcrew.astalavista.ms/ ] FORUM ...............:[ http://redcrew.astalavista.ms/board/ ] DiSTRO ..............:[ http://prs-distro.co.cc/index.php?dir=RED/ ] IRC .................:[ N/A ] \_ _______________________________________________ _/ / \________/ \________/ ________ RED RESPECTS AND HELLO'S FLY OUT ________ / // \_______________________________________________/ / / ARTeam - SnD - FFF - TSRh - {Res} - CiM - AT4RE - iNF __ And all hardworking sceners in the scene* __ /_/ /\_ \_/ /_/ \_________ _________/ _ REVERSE ENGINEER'S DREAM-MAERD S'REENIGNE ESREVER /_ \_____________________________________________________/
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 410.5 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
May 19, 2010 - 10:24am