Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia (ResourceTrainer)
Text file description:
. . . . : : | | [ P r e s e n t s ] AB!DF2^SAC Heroes Of Might And Magic +7 Trainer (c) 3DO ---- Cracker : miramax : Released : February 21th, 1999 Supplier : : Protection : Stripper : : Game Type : Turnbased Strat. Packager : miramax : # of Disks : 1 x 2.88MB ---- P133, Windows 95/98, Direct X 6.x, 10M HD ---- [ G a m e N o t e s ] This trainer offers the following features. F2: 100.000 Wood F3: 100.000 Mercury F5: 100.000 Ore F6: 100.000 Sulfur F7: 100.000 Crystal F8: 100.000 Gems F9: 100.000 Gold Note, I've recoded the engine, so it will stay in the traybar when its launched. When you use a feature, you will get a short msg in the game so you will know which feature you enabled. To close the trainer double-click on the trainer icon in the traybar. Greets to: China Blue, Mr.Skill, Hemp Hoodlum, Prozac, aTm, Devil, Grudge, Animal & Dogfriend, OfD, Miramax, Mr. Sandman, Spectral Illusion, LeChucky, Principal, JayDee, Garoto, Horde, Moeb, & LGB. Also mad greets to all the people at the Volcanic party 5 held in france ---- [ I n s t a l l N o t e s ] Unzip and run TRAINER.EXE. ---- [ G r o u p N e w s ] No it isn't true, we're STILL around, ALIVE and KICKING. ---- [ A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o ] Interested in joining? We are looking for talented new members to help us fill the ranks! If you fall within any of the following categories, you might just be what we're looking for: * If you work for a software developer, distributor, or publisher! * If you can supply unreleased games, utilities, or even hardware! * If you work for an ISP, or other provider of shell accounts, etc! * If you feel that you have anything else that might be of value to us! NOTE: WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING COURIERS AT THIS CURRENT POINT IN TIME. ---- [ C o n t a c t i n g C L A S S ] Should you wish to make contact with our members, we can easily be reached via E-Mail at support@class101.com NOTE: WE DO NOT MAIL/FTP MISSING DISKS OF OUR RELEASES, SO DO NOT ASK. ---- "Never lose hope when you got something good." ..this File got caught raping 35 gigz at T3 speed in.. SHOCK MHQ HTG EHQ DNG WHQ This file went thru Nuclear Dust... .... age [ DarkStar EEHQ / Cult EHQ / Threat EHQ ] [ siteops : evilmind, menace, milhaus ] [ nuke team : evilmind, o_matador, data, punx ] d!n psycho p s y c h o [psy] [ p s y ] 2000 2 0 0 0 n e w s :::::::::::::::::::::::::: psycho2000 [ 02 january 1999 ] pyscho2000 headquarters we welcome l00ter, xfiles, and blaze as the latest additions to our group psy is in need of fast shells that can be used for trading, so if you can help, make sure to contact us right away. our group kinda weakened last week with the loss of whoopass. however, picking up new members and more sites have helped us to become more competitive, so thanks for all you who have helped us!!watch for a more improved psy in the coming year 1999, as we celebrate our second year in the scene. WE ARE PSY FOREVER! SPIRIT and LOYALTY--that's what we are buit upon. s i t e s :::::::::::::::::::::::::: psycho2000 [alias] [site-op] [size] [content] T3+?? kind staff 20+gb ehq T3+?? kind staff 20+gb chq T3+?? kind staff 20+gb ushq T3+?? kind staff 20+gb whq T3+?? kind staff 30+gb ISOhq T3+?? kind staff 30+gb psxhq m e m b e r s :::::::::::::::::::::::::: psycho2000 founder : nobody president : nob5000 vice president : cable_mod high council : boring, bravo seniors : dennison morolf dam0n iso seniors : eviman dreamer nob5000, dungeon, kaku, l00ter, blaze, icemage, xfiles evilmind, egor_one, swordinme, blue a p p l y :::::::::::::::::::::::::: psycho2000 would you like to be part of the psycho2000 crew? we are in need of the following : > a util/game/cracking group to trade releases for > legitimate shell suppliers > t3+boxes for hqs... psx/0day/vcd, or isos > hardworking and dedicated couriers > anything else that might be of value to us just look for us via the contact information below! c o n t a c t :::::::::::::::::::::::::: psycho2000 email : psychoapply@usa.net irc : #psycho2000 on efnet (members only) #psy for application and nfo www : psycho2000.ml.org (under construction) update : 03 january 1999 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: psycho2000 "happy new year to one and all!" This file passed through..... [Mutually Assured Destruction] TRPS HQ - TiTANiUM USHQ - VLN CHQ [ ADMINISTRATOR: WarezWulf ] [MAD Op's: BoNz0, Swan, |Napalm|, Trillion] [AM0] --- 1 9 |9| :9: <WZ! [LEADERS] BrY Duck scumby [HiGH COUNCiL] camp Bougz Garr Xndo [SENiORS] eins kRUEGeR olivilo Virus [MEMBERS] Bry Duck Dow garr scumby eins Xndo Scabz Scruffy Zooted olivilo Virus Bougz trillion eight kRUEGeR Wakkyone xaosx AerosX hsobic talormde ANoK stonee WarezWulf BuBBleGuN [VOLiTiON SiTES] [SiTE] [SPACE] [SPEED] Mxxxx Oxxxxx . . . . . . . . . . . ?? GB 10MB/s Dxxxxx Bx 0xxx . . . . . . . . . . ?? GB T1 Txx Dxxxx Pxx . . . . . . . . . . 53 GB T3 Exxxxxxxx . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 GB T1 Dxxxxx Sxxxxxxx . . . . . . . . . ?? GB T3 Mxxxxxxx Axxxxxx Dxxxxxxxxxx . . . 30 GB 10MB/s Axxxxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?? GB ?? [GROUP GREETS] Drink or Die Razor1911 Paradigm Class DsC Pirates With Attitudes Future eCG [VOLiTiON iNFORMATiON] VOLiTiON membership for *experienced* couriers is now open,we are accepting Linux T3+ siteops. If you are interested in having your site affiliated with VOLiTiON please don't hesitate to visit us on #vln on the EFNET server via IRC. [CONTACT] VOLiTiON On IRC: EFNET Server Join #VLN VOLiTiON Via Web: http://shell.lazerlink.net/~volition/index.html NFO Header by WingZero - Layout by virus - Last Updated 01-18-99 [VOLiTiON COURiERS 99!] This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: hmm3.zip
File size: 83.92 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am