Fury of the furries +8 trainer
Text file description:
__:_ __ : / : \ | ________ ______ ______ __ __ ___--+--_ ____ ---+---||\ /__ \ /|\ /__ |\// | _: /| _ | : | \ __| \ / | \ __|| | \_/_\_/ | \\ | |\: | \/__ \/ | \/__ | | / | \\ | |_\____/|___\__| \_ |___\__||___ :| /___ |___ | _____ --+-- .:+ | _ | ______ __ __ ___:__ ______ __ __ : .+:. | \\ ||\ /__ \ \ /|\ /__ |\// --+-- :+. | \\ || \ __| /\ \ \ / | \ __|| | : :+. | || \/__ / \ \ \/ | \/__ | | . |_:__ ||___\__|/____\_\_ |___\__||___ | --+-- : +31-70-Private 3! NoDeS uSR. 16K8 DS aSL Cyber Force Boards : Boards: Node(s): Sysop(s): Number(s): SILVERADO (3 NODES) BLUE SKY +31-(0)83-Only-For 7TH HEAVEN (3 NODES) B.O.B. +31-(0)70-A-Select CONSOLE CAT (2 NODES) ACE +31-(0)10-Group-Of FLIGHT 4O2 (1 NODE) THE WIND +31-(0)10-Cewl-Dudes MIDIAN (1 NODE) LEVIATHAN +31-(0)20-And-Friends . _________ ________ | _____ / ______/ ___| / /__ ___ / \______yBeR / __ / \_______ / / \__ / |_______| /__/ / \__/ oRCe PReSeNTs : Fury of the Furries [8+ Trainer] Made by : Blade Released On : 29/11/93 Game Information : Fuck this is a fun game to play and with this trainer it is even more fun!!!!!!! The results of F1-F6 will not be shown right away!!! You will see the results when you use it.... Like if you push F6 you will see your guy when you want to use him..... Trainer Key's : F1 = [ Add a hart ] F2 = [ Add a coin ] F3 = [ Toggle a guy ] F4 = [ Toggle a guy ] F5 = [ Toggle a guy ] F6 = [ Toggle a guy ] F7 = [ Add about 40 Sec. to the timer ] F8 = [ Level skipper NICE!!!] Personal Greetings : Special Persn Tnx for the great ASM help.... Brainz Tnx for upping MASM V6.1 The Druid I hope ya have fun with it.... Snow I will keep on using this one until more than half of the group doesn't like this .NFO file!!!!!!!! Nothing personal!!!! Any body who reads this stuff Hello..... Group Greetings : TRSI Nice job releasing this game.... Oh to bad the police is busting your nice group away.......... -=< CyBeR FoRCe >=- Members: Ace, Blade, Blue Sky, B.O.B., Cap, Dejay, First Prince JiHaD,LeViaTHaN, Merde, Party Buster, QEF, SnoW, Soundtracer, TaZ DeViL, The Druid, The Wind, ZHoRaK Express Board : Number : Syzo: 7th Heaven 3 Nodes +31-(0)70-3###### B.O.B. Console Cat 2 Nodes +31-(0)10-####### Ace Flight 4o2 1 Node +31-(0)10-####### The Wind Midian 1 Node +31-(0)20-####### LeViaTHaN Silverado 3 Nodes +31-(0)83-522#### Blue Sky
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: cf-fury.zip
File size: 3.21 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am