Machiavelli: the prince money cheat
Text file description:
<ASCii by ROY> [ RLAS INFORMATION ] -/- MACHIAVELLI: THE PRINCE MONEY CHEAT -/- RELEASED: [ 03/29/95 ] [ AM ] CODER : FANFAN LATULIPE SUPPLIER: TDU JAM! PACKAGER : FANFAN LATULIPE GRAFX SUPPORT: [X] EGA [X] VGA [X] S-VGA [ ] WINDOWS [ ] NONE SOUND SUPPORT: [X] BEEPER [X] GUS [X] SBLASTER [X] ROLAND [ ] NONE [ RLAS NOTS ] GNSiS proudly presents: MACHIAVELLI : THE PRINCE MONEY CHEAT! This cheat will allow you start a new game with over 2 Billion Florins. While this allows you to grow faster, it will cause your ranking to plummet due to the unfair advantage. But hell, with that much money you will be able to close the gap with your rivals in no time, and give your Faction the uncontested control of the Renaissance's world! Special Greets to TDU JAM and their AWESOME 100% CD releases and CD-Rips! TDU JAM: Setting the Standard for quality CD releases! Just unzip the files into the game directory and run PATCH.COM . Then, start a NEW GAME, and select the EASY MODE of difficulty and there you go! 2+ Billion Florins! Notice that you could give the same advantage to your opponents, even in modem play! I also included an UNPATCH.COM in case you wish to restore the default of EASY MODE to a mere 2000 Florins. FANFAN LATULIPE / GENESiS Enjoy and expect much more from GENESiS coming very, very soon! DR. INSANITY / GENESiS '95 ...IF YOU LIKE THIS SOFTWARE PLEASE TAKE IT UPON YOURSELF TO BUY IT... GROUP NEWS : * We greet ASSAULT, DYTEC, SAC, TDU JAM! and all the PC Scene! * We are dedicated in bringing you the best in PC games entertainment! If you have something to offer and want to be a part of the BEST group, contact us immediately! [ UNITED WE STAND: ] Dr. Insanity, Fanfan la Tulipe, Tazman, Werner & Tardy Bandieto, Code Breaker, Crackpot, Dark Knight, Faceless, Fatman, General Lee, HaMMeR!!!, Johnny Cyberpunk, Hans, Hard Core, Knox, Liquid Khaos, Onyx, Raider, Ramirez, Roger Wilco, Roy, Silver V, Shadow Master, Stretch, The Bandit, The Flying Dutchman, The Pressman, The Silent Assasin, The Specials, The Toyman, The Viper, TiC, Troll, Troops, Whistler, Wild Thing, Wolverine, and Xanathos Mire Cenobite, Color Crimson, Criminal Overlord, Cyber Crazed, Dagobah, Dead Image, Death Angel, Dendybar, Deuce's Wild, Grady, Grinder, Hybrid, Iron Force, Jopiter, Janno, Legion, Ones Wally, Satinlover, Scott & Hoffi, Shinobi, Shock Wave, Skinnypuppy, Snacky, Stingray, The Outlaws, Tomas, Wildcat, and Viral Overlord [ GNSiS bOARDS ] - [ hEADqUARTERS ] - THE DiGiTAL UNDERGROUND . iTS-PRi-VATE . 6 NoDES . DR.IFANFAN ... WORLD . HQ PARK CENTRAL ............ iTS-PRi-VATE . 15 NoDES . SILVER V ...... USA ... HQ ELUSIVE DREAMS .......... iTS-PRi-VATE . 8 NoDES . TOYMANKNOX ... COURIER HQ THE CHEMICAL WARZONE .... iTS-PRi-VATE . 6 NoDES . SILENT ASSASIN. CANADA. HQ - [ mEMBER bOARDS ] - SOUTHERN WASTELANDS ..... iTS-PRi-VATE . 4 NoDES ......... LEGION UNLIMITED POWER ......... iTS-PRi-VATE . 5 NoDES ......... RAIDER VAX MUSEUM .............. iTS-PRi-VATE . 2 NoDES ..... ONES WALLY - [ bOARDS ] - CESSPOOL ................ iTS-PRi-VATE . 1 NoDE ........... GANGREEN CEMENT CITY ............. iTS-PRi-VATE . 3 NoDES ................ MDR DIRT .................... iTS-PRi-VATE . 1 NoDE ............. WRETCH DOWN THE HOLE ........... iTS-PRi-VATE . 3 NoDES ......... TANTAMOUNT FATAL ILLUSION .......... +49-PRi-VATE . 2 NoDES ............. MR.MAD PURGATORY ............... iTS-PRi-VATE . 3 NoDES .......... NUEROMAGE SCOOTER DOME ............ iTS-PRi-VATE . 2 NoDES ............ SCOOTER SHADOWY DESCENT ......... iTS-PRi-VATE . 3 NoDES ..... BLAZING SHADOW THE SHALLOW GRAVE ....... iTS-PRi-VATE . 4 NoDES .......... LORD ROOK - [ aFFILIATES ] - ATOMIC TOWER ............ iTS-PRi-VATE . 3 NoDES ........ DEATH ANGEL COFFEESHOP .............. iTS-PRi-VATE . 1 NoDE ............ JOPITER INCOGNITO ............... iTS-PRi-VATE . 3 NoDES ...... COLOR CRIMSON NO ESCAPE ............... iTS-PRi-VATE . 2 NoDES .. CRIMINAL OVERLORD [ PLEASE NOTE ] Anybody interested in being a part of the our new group: Call voice: 703-422-1373 (24hrs) We apologize to those of you who called, but we were not able to process the calls for the past 2 weeks :( So please, call again! OR E-mail us at: an134219@anon.penet.fi OR Leave a Senior Member a Message on Any BBS we frequent. (You must leave a detailed message with name and voice # to be contacted!) For information on the latest PC games&utils write: ---GNSiS SWDN--- P.O. BOX 52 810 70 AELVKARLEBY SWEDEN >>> NO SWAPPING PLEASE <<< Interested in Console Copiers? For the best prices call: 1-718-854-5877 - / - "WE SHALL KICK SOME SERIOUS ASS!" - / -
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: v.zip
File size: 5 KB
Mime type: First entry not deflated or stored -- use unzip compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am