Open Weekend - Deer Season +1 trainer
Text file description:
Open Weekend - Deer Season +1 Trainer by MUG U.K(tm) Release Date: 28/01/2000 OK, I admit it .. this must rank as the worst two cases of game design and implementation that I've seen in a long time. What makes it much worse is that I know someone who paid money for these games and actually gets some enjoyment out them! Ah well .. c'est la vie. So as a request I've trained both games that he's bought (as they seem to use the same game engine) .. so if you like this kind of dross, you can now play the game with infinite ammo. Meanwhile I am going to try and convert my mate into Quake 3 and similar kinds of games :) Wish me luck! If any magazine in the UK would like to hire me as a permenant trainer creator then get in touch!! I also have an article/tutorial available for publication for your readers on how to make trainers such as this one. Trainer Statistics Trainer made with: Trainer Maker Kit v1.5 Values hunted down with: Magic Trainer Creator v1.27 Graphics ripped and altered with: Paint Shop Pro 5 Logos created with: Imagestyler Calling other trainer makers If there are any other trainer authors who would like to have the source files used in this trainer (or any of the others that I have designed) then email me. Please include working examples of your own trainers plus relevant work files (i.e. what program were they designed in?). E-mail me: mug_uk@mindless.com I am currently without a proper internet connection, so the web page I am working on for all my trainers is not uploadable at the present time. This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: owdeer.zip
File size: 77.16 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am