Patrician 2 v1.1 (+4 Trainer)
Text file description:
. . . . : : | | [ P r e s e n t s ] AB!DF2^SAC Patrician 2: Money Trainer ---- Protection : N/A : Released : Oct 3rd, 2001 Game Type : Trainer : # of Disks : 1 * x.xx Mb ---- 386DX2, 2MB RAM, ~50k HDD, Win 9x/ME/2K/XP ---- [ G a m e N o t e s ] Kinda fun game... ---- [ I n s t a l l N o t e s ] Just run the trainer before or after you've run the game. These are the options: F12 - Unlimited Money Enjoy! // NIDO (sharque you're my hero) Dont you dare remove this darn nfo if you're puting this baby on your WWW site... ---- "Again." THiS PHiLE GOT TAGGED ON D A R K L A N D S sQz!SAC [CLASS HQ] [ZENiTH WHQ] [RiSC HQ] [PARADOX WHQ] [BLiZZARD WHQ] .--tl/mjd------------------| |------------------------------------ -- - |_____. _______ | | .____ . \_ | ___\____ | _____|_ |_____| || | | ____)/ |__\_ / ( _| \_ . || /| ||_ / )/ __/ | | ____/ wORLD oF wONDER ... : || /\___| (___/|___/ \_| | \_______| | ||____| ____ \___/| | | | ,xXXXXXXx. | | .___ _____ _______ | | XXXXXXXXXX . | | ____ | | .____\_ /______| | `XXXXXXXX' ( | | | \_____|_ | \___| __/___/_\_ / | tREW (| - -|) `) | /| __/____ |_ ___/ _| | | _/ __/| | dAT!#@ | o O| (' |___/ |_ |/ | \_____| | _|_ _| \_ | | ___ -====** \___)|_ / \_______) \____)\___/ | | _/ '' _ \_ (____/ | | / / | `-------- \__/___/---------------------------------------------------------' | \__/ | | Starting a new world ... | | | | DaMN - LAXiTY - EPS - DWP - ZONE - NLRiP - RTS - uCFPDA | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: CLSPA2TR.ZIP
File size: 13.08 KB
Mime type: application/x-rar; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
October 14, 2001 - 9:00pm