Platypus (+2 Trainer)
Text file description:
P i A Z Z n!s [PiZZA] . .. p r o u d l y p r e s e n t s .. . * Platypus PLUS 2 TRAINER (C) PiZZA * Release Date .....: 05-20-02 Disks .....: 01 x 2.88mb Release Type .....: Trainer Options ...: Plus 2 [ R e l e a s e N o t e s ] Unzip trainer into your game directory, then start trainer with "pizzatrn.exe", and finally start the game. During gameplay toggle trainer options by pressing the following keys combinations: Enable Disable Option 1 Alt+1 Unlimited Lives (Player 1 And 2) 2 Alt+2 Unlimited Continues /Team PiZZA IMPORTANT: We are now hiring. Read News-section for more details! [ N e w s ] We are always looking for new PiZZA sites/affils. See below for contact information. PiZZA now has the following open positions: - Cracker (you can crack/fish/keygen serials for shareware games) - Trainer Maker (you can train newly released shareware games) Apply today if you think you can contribute to the scene too. We provide group benefits, including access to sites with most and all stuff one would ever want to leech (0day/iso/clonecd/apps/vcd/svcd/ divx/mp3/psx/ps2/book/linux/etc). See below for contact information. [ C o n t a c t ] IRC....: N/A WWW....: N/A Email..: evenmorepizza@hotmail.com [ G r e e t i n g s ] PiZZA gives away cold beer and fresh PiZZA to our known friends in ... PiRATES ON DOPE - MYTH - iNSiGHT - DiViNE - PERiOD - CLASS * B E C A U S E W E C A N * [05-01-02][nfo by nmls] these.files.have.flown.thru.the.system.of c00K!dag Z.i.O.N [ 0DAY / iSO / PS2 ] .. PROWDLY AFFILED BY .. . MAXiMUM . PH . SOULPS2 . STATUS . ROR . ROYAL . GeNiuS . . ViRGiN . NoRRNeT . EyM . CAT . POD. RGK . JaZZ . LUCiD . SCF . . FUTURiTY . FAS . FLASH . CHICNCREAM . WiPICE . OUTLiVE . PiZZA . 10mbit - 300GB E u r o S i T e
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 58 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
May 29, 2002 - 9:00pm